Chapter Thirteen: Not Giving Up

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Levi Ackerman

I leaned on the door and slowly slid down to the floor. Fuck...I'm such an idiot for not realizing that I was being two-timed! I know I should hate him for what he did but I just can't because I still am in love with that sick son of a bitch and I can't do anything about it.


"Petra, I don't want to talk to no one right now so please leave me alone for now." I sighed but I was still shaking so my voice sounded very sorrow.

I looked up and she nodded and walked  to her room.

I got up and dropped myself on the couch and held my knees to my chest and silently sobbed 'til I let sleep overcome me.

When I woke up in the morning, I didn't bother getting up from the couch so Petra put my breakfast on the coffee table and made me eat because she didn't want to see me skipping meals. She even watched me the whole time until I finished my meal. And when I refused at first, she tried feeding me and even tried doing that 'here comes the airplane' type of shit before I finally decided to feed myself.

"Jesus Christ woman!"

"What? I was just helping you eat. What makes that so bad?" She looked at me with innocent eyes and I just face palmed at her.

"What makes it so bad? I am fucking 25 years old and you're trying to feed me like a shitty baby. It was never fine when we were 5 and it isn't fine now. I can do my own shit for myself." I scowled at her and she just burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I grumpily asked like a 8 year old kid when they don't get their toy. She stopped her laughing and giggling and replaced it with a smirk.

"Wow Levi, you're acting like a little kid right now. Besides it was always fun to play mommy with you since we were small so I wanted to redo those fun memories again. There's no harm in that is there?" She smiled and that made me smile back at her. Her smiles were always contagious. She always knew how to lighten any moods in any situation.

"Of course not. But I have to admit that it was pretty funny too. I still remember when we were in second grade and you accidentally peed your pants when it was picture day so I let you borrow mine until your mom came to the office to bring you a spare. Oh! And in 6th grade, when you were eating Oreos and you finally had the courage to talk to your crush but when you smiled you had Oreo bits on your teeth!-"

"Hey! It wasn't my fault the Oreos were very delectable! Plus you should told me if I had something on my teeth when I asked you! You made me feel embarrassed to see him for a whole month!"

I snorted and as I, like the kids say 'laugh out loud'.

"Ha...well I'm sorry but...I couldn't see it." I couldn't stop laughing and my sides started hurting because of it but I had no control of my laughter and before I knew it, I was rolling on the floor and had little tears forming in my eyes from laughing so much.

"Well since we're in the topic of our most embarrassing moments, how about I share yours? Like when you once tried going over the school fence because you just felt like ditching one day and you did jump over but you got your pants ripped from behind and your underwear showed but you didn't seem to notice until some giggling girls were pointing at your pants. You're luck I let you borrow my sweater though."

"Oh my god Petra, I was 14! I had a stupid mind and I didn't know what I was doing like every other teenager in this world," I chuckled at the old memories I had with Petra. I loved and enjoyed them all. Even the most embarrassing ones. I treasured all of them.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever you say," She giggled. "Hey Levi, can you give me some advice? I recently started seeing this really cute and handsome guy and I think he might be one of those people that go too fast and I think he might want to purpose to me."

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