Chapter Seventeen: New Changes?

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"Eren Jaeger, what the hell is wrong with you?!"

"I'm sorry, Mikasa! I-I know I'm an asshole for doing this and I will regret for cheating on you for as long as I live...but I don't regret the memories I have with Levi. I love him...but I already know that he will most likely never love me again and I know I deserve it for the action I pulled. I'm so sorry..." I put my head down so I she couldn't see the tears that were beginning to appear on sight...I didn't want to be even more pathetic than I already am. It pains me but I deserve it.

Mikasa pinched the bridge of her nose in irrigation. "I come back to see my fiancé and I come back to him saying that he had an affair with another man?!" I weakly nodded sadly with little willpower to lift my head.

I heard her sigh and felt her arms wrapped around me into a gentler embrace. "M-Mikasa...?" She put a finger over her lips signaling me to be quiet.

I did as told and melted into the embrace until we both pulled away.

"I'm sorry for my sudden burst of anger. I understand your reasons. But you should have told me about it before you did what you did. I would have understand. Besides, to be honest, I actually thought of you as more of a brother than a husband...I have a confession to make as well..." She shifted a little and her cheeks got a tint of blush.


"I-I'm in love with someone else also...and I'm sorta pregnant with his child..."

"W-what?! Who is it?"

"'s my partner from work...Daniel."

"I knew there was something odd about him! He would always glare at me and have a great distance away from me whenever I went to visit you at work. I also saw how he would look at you. Like when you talked to him, he would be smiling at you like if you were the greatest thing he ever saw in his eyes and when you would touch his arm or his hand, he would blush."

She stared at me in awe. "And why did you never told me about this?!"

"Well I never really thought it was important and I forgot about that stuff"

She grumbled. "Well whatever. Do you have any chocolate ice cream with whip cream and and more chocolate, do you?" I chuckled a little at her response.

"Wow I guess your pregnancy food cravings are already starting up."

"Shut do you or not?"

"Lucky for you, I do. Would you like some chocolate chip cookies and milk to go with that?"

She nodded her head a bit vigorously. "Yes please!"


"What in the hell are you fucking doing?!"

He licked his lips and wiped his mouth a little. "Well I wanted to know how Mr. Ackerman tasted like. And for your information, you taste amazing. Just as I expected." He smirked at me and I blushed.

"Tch, you son of a bitch. That'll be the last time you will ever be able to do that again." I tried to sound ferocious but with my flushed face, I didn't make it sound quite intimidating. This just made his smirk grow wider.

"Oh we'll see about that..." He waved and left.

"I swear I will kick his ass if he tried." I dialed my CEO's number and waited until he responded, which was rather quick than I expected.

"Why hello Levi! How is your first day for work in Paris? Have any questions?"

"Well it's...been interesting. I have called you because it seems there's a problem with the butler arrangement. I would like to have a new butler. Don't ask why. So is it possible?"

There was a small pause on the other line. "Oh I'm deeply sorry for the inconvenience for the butler we've brought to you. We thought that having someone young would be easier for you than an older one. We will send another one right away. You don't need to worry. So is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No thank you, I'm fine. Thank you for understanding. I will be waiting for the new one."

"Yes. We will inform you when we find the best suited butler for you. Have a nice day!"

We said our goodbyes and I ended the call. I didn't feel remorse for Alex at all. It was his fault and I will make sure he is aware of that.


{Four Months After}

"Hello my name is Laura Bertíz. I will be your secretary from this day forth. First, let me explain each of the segments for today schedule. So we will have our first meeting on Monday at 2 o'clock sharp in the afternoon. We also have a meeting the the head chief designer of the famous, 'Shawn Perríé', for the commercial we're making. After, we will have a short hour break and later, continue with our departure from the set of the studio we're using. That will be the full schedule for this day. Please memorize this and remember not to miss a single thing. Since you were picked from the CEO exactly, we will expect a lot from you, sir. Also, there was a letter sent directly here to you so here you go."

She handed me a large package with my name on it and I eagerly opened it like a little kid would when they would get Christmas presents from under the Christmas tree.

I unsealed the taped letter and carefully read through the written page.

"Oh it's just from my friends and family. Can you read it to me? I'm too busy with the paperwork at hand." I handed her the paper and she took it as I continued with my work.

"Of course, sir."

"Thank you...and since we will be seeing each other quite a lot, why don't you call me 'Mr. Ackerman.' It's fine with me."

"Ok, Mr. Ackerman. And as I was saying, 'hey Levi! How are ya? Hope you're enjoying yourself there in Paris! Meanwhile we're just going on with our own lives here but it's quite boring here without you trying to beat me whenever I annoy you! But it's pretty funny how you- Hanji! Stop it! Oh hi Levi. It's Petra and and as Hanji was saying before, we hope you're doing good. I'd hate to interrupt what you were doing but it seems there's been a...problem with um...some yeah but it was Hanji fault! Hey don't blame me! Shut up it was yours! Oh yeah! So we will be having repairmen coming to the house because, for some odd reason, Hanji broke the toilet with a hose when she was trying to get her dead fish Erwin flushed for experimenting. She ended up damaging most of the bathroom so yeah...anyways here we left you a special knitted pocket hanky for good luck! Hope you like it! Bye!' Mr. Ackerman, your friends are very...interesting." She giggled a little and I have off a soft chuckle.

"I am quite aware of that."

I know I should be mad at her like I usually am for her being a complete idiot for doing that but I couldn't help but I couldn't help but laugh. I missed them and they always knew how to make me laugh.


Thank you!

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