Chapter 24

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"Wake up booo!!" Someone shouted jumping on my bed. I opened my eyes seeing Nicki in her grey sweatpants no make up and her her in a messy bun. She looked awesome. "How the hell did you get in my house?" I asked giggling. I sat up rubbing my eyes. "The hottie let me in." She said laying down. "Now get ready." She said and let some music play from her phone. I walked into my walk in closet dancing. To be honest I'm glad i finally have some girlfriends. I never really had some and it just feels great to have fun and be a normal person. I put on black sweatpants and a black tank top. I slipped on my blue/pink wolf gang vans and put my hair into a messy bun. I washed my face real quick and jumped onto the bed as the song started. "I'm feeling mysefl!" I sang loudly moving my booty. She let out a laugh pointing her phone at me. "This is Instagram worthy!" She said posting it. "Tag me in it!" I said laughing too. "Lets goo!" She said grabbing my hand and pulling me out. I quickly grabbed my backpack and we walked out. "I'm going out bye!" I screamed walking out. We got into her car talking about what to wear at Beyonces birthday party. "I first wanted to go casual but i also want to show off this booty. So mabey a dress i dont know." I explained being frustrated with myself. "Girl your booty always looks good. You got that from me." She said winking. We got out of the car. Thank god it was still early in the morning so no paps were around. "Lets go in here" she said pointing to forever 21. "You go into normal stores?" I asked giggling. "Just because i got money doesnt mean I'm going to spent everything at chanel." She said as we walked in. The store was literally empty. We looked through a lot of clothes dresses and stuff. I went first into the dressing rooms trying everything on (i put the outfits in orders). First one was just a black shirt with black kinda lether looking jeans. "Thats too casual." Nicki said and i agreed. Still going to get it because that booty. The second one was a blue kinda jeans with a white cute crop top. "Cute but not party like." I said. The second one was more party like but still not it. We werent sure about the third one so we put it on the mabey side. The fifth one was awesome. But the last one blew my mind. It was a cute white dress. It was brilliant and hugged my curves perfectly. "Oh my god you are definetly going to wear that!" She said almost screaming. We squeeled hugging each other. Both of us looked straight faced away. "Lets never do that again." Nicki said akwardly. I laughed again agreeing. Now Nickis turn. She was less complicated so she found one easily. It was a tight black dress which showed the perfect amount of boobs. "We still need to get shoes." She decided on some silver high heels full of swarowski diamonds and i just took like beige high heels. I bought all of the outfits because lets be honest they were awesome. "I'm a huge fan!" The cashier said. "Aww you want a picture?" Nicki asked smiling brightly. She loves meeting fans. "Yaas!" He said hugging her. He gave me his phone thanking me right away. I took a ton of pictures and then like two selfies because why not. I gave him back my phone and we walked out of the store. Nicki looked at her phone laughing loudly again. "We were in there for three hours!' She exclaimed. "Oh my god." I laughed too and she clinged our arms together while we held our bags. Now the paps saw us immediately flashing us with lights. One came to me recording me with his phone. "Who are you?" Another came asking me more. "Whats your name? How old are you?" Nicki and i giggled as we stopped in front of them. "Let me ask you a question." I said friendly. I took out my phone putting the flashlight at him. "Who are you?" I asked him and then pointed it at the other. "Whats your name? How old are you?" Nicki was hysterically laughing at my act as a papparazi. I stopped acting laughing too. "If you would excuse us. I would like to go eat. Preferly some fast food. Do you guys know where Taco bell is?" I asked the other paps. They all pointed to it and i thanked them walking to it with a dying Nicki. "You are so going to be in th news!" She said laughing. "That was hilarious." She said almost crying. I laughed too ordering our food. We sat down and dug in. "I heard your boyfriend is coming?" She asked smirking. "God." I laughed. "Okay. So this story is really long." I said and Nicki nodded saying i should continue. "So my roommate Jc and I kinda like hung out all the time and you know i started liking him. Then he suddendly tells me he has a girlfriend. I friendzoned him after that. And then all of a sudden he acts like its my fault that i fell for him and he said that we shouldnt talk at all because I'm going to fuck up his relationship." I explained laughing. "What an asshole." She said shacking her head. "Right? So three weeks later he wants to talk to me again and i just shouted at him about all the shit i felt and i lied to him that I'm over him." She cut me off. "Wait so youre still into that dickhead?" She asked. I nodded sadly. "Aw Baby. We'll find a man that deserves you." She said giggling. "So he didnt believe me. Then i just told him its my friend Rob. And Rob is now playing with me." I ended the story. Nicki took a sip of her drink. "Is that Rob guy into you or-" i giggled lightly. "Noo! He's gay." I said seriously. He doesnt act like it but he has had boyfriends and everyone in the gang doesnt really care. "Oh well that makes it a lot easier." Nicki said laughing. "We still need to buy B a present." Nicki said with wide eyes. "Oh shit right!" We walked into a ton of stores until we finally found her perfect present. We made her a phonecase with a picture of the three of us on it and the hashtag bootysquad on it. Also we bought her a nice diamond watch. "She is going to love it." She dropped me off at mine and i took all my bags into the house. "I'm back guys." I yelled laying my bags on the kitchen counter. They were all in the living room so i quickly told them when they need to be ready. I also texted Rob to come to mine so we can show up there together. "JJ can you quickly come?" I asked pulling him into my room. I explained the whole Rob is my boyfriend story. "Youre crazy. Lets hope it works." He walked out and the doorbell rang. I opened it quickly revealing Rob. He was wearing dark jeans and a nice black dress shirt with a white fly around his neck. "You looks awesome." I said hugging him. He grabbed my hand smiling at me. "We'll be in my room." I said to them and seeing Jc with an open mouth. Thats what i wanted. Rob and i walked into my room and i locked the door. "So tell me whats new?" I asked from the bathroom as i was doing my make up. I put on foundation and broncer. I applied my eyeliner and brownish smokey eye. After that my mascara and a red lipstick. I covered some tattoos that i always had covered up. "So i met this guys. He is perfect but i dont know. He doesnt want to be openly gay which is a huge turn off." He explained laying on my bed. "Yeah those are the worst." I added getting doing my hair. I straightened it and put it into a high ponytail and the braided it normaly. I put on small earrings and a diamond bracelet. "Now show me the dress. I want to see if my girlfriend is enough hot for me." He said jockingly. I giggled getting into my dress. I slipped on my high heels walking out of my closet. "I would get a boner if i was hetero." He said happily. "Yes!" I said clapping my hands together. "Dont get confused if we sometimes kiss tonight okay. Just go with it." He said. "We wamt to look like a couple right?" He asked seriously. "Of course." JJ knocked on my door telling that we're leaving. They all looked great. Rob grabbed my hand interwining our fingers. Thank god he was still taller than me. Jc was starring at me biting his lip. "What are you looking at?" Rob asked angrily putting an arm over my shoulder. Jc said nothing and looked to the floor. We all pilled up in the car. "So when did you guys get together." Kian asked curiously. "I think you asked me out two weeks ago." I answered looking up at Rob. "Yep. I wanted sooner but i guess i never grew the balls to." He said smiling. "I'm happy you did." I lied smiling. He grabbed my jaw pecking my lips. "I love you babe." He said smirking. "I love you too." I said and Kian let out an 'aaaww'. We arrived at the huge house. The gates opened and we entered the filled drive way. I knocked on the front door and Beyonce opened the door. "Oh my god! You look flawless." She exclaimed hugging me. "Are you kidding look at you!" She was wearing a golden dress that touched the floor lightly and her boobs were perfectly put in pose. "And youre my gurls boyfriend. Its nice to meet you" she said hugging him. She hugged the others telling them she watches their funny youtube challenges. "Wow." Kian said to me. "Beyonce watching our youtube channel!" He squeeled with the guys. I walked to Nicki as i spotted her pulling Rob with me. "So you are the fake boyfriend?" She asked raising her eyebrows. "Damn you look fine you sure you gay?" She asked hugging him. "Yeah I'm sure." He said laughing. "Thats a tragedy." She said laughing. I saw Jc looking at us. I winked at Nicki pulling Rob to the dance floor. "Is Jc still watching?" Rob asked as i slung my arms around his neck. "Yep." I said smiling up at him. "Then lets make him regret that he made you cry." Rob leaned in pressing our lips together. I closed my eyes knowing that Jc is defiently watching. We still moved to the rythem as our lips did too. I heard the music stop and then everyone started clapping. We stopped kissing and looked up. Nicki ran towards us standing next to me. She pushed through the crowd and stood right in the front. B and her husband and her child walked up onto the stage and the cake came out. I saw JJ, Kian and Jc so i waved the over to us. Rob took a selfie of all of us. I put it as my lockscreen. Jay Z said some words about how awesome she is and bkue ivy did the same. She blew out the candles and then grabbed the mic. "So now I'll open the presents of my favorite people. I'll start with my man." She said giggling. It was a nice diamond necklace and plane tickets to hawaii. "Baby i love you." She said kissing him. We all chanted smiling. "Now Nicki and Betty. Come up on stage and give me the present." I kissed Rob and walked up on stage. She gave me and Nicki a mic. "So you have annoyed me with so much stuff that you wanted but we decided against all of that." I was jocking because we bought her the watch. "Here you go. I hope you love it." Nicki said giving her the wrapped up phonecase. She opened it immediately cracking up. "So its a phone case with a picture of us and written on it is #bootysquad." She stood up hugging us. "And of course we bought you something you really wanted." I said handing her the swarowksi bag. She covered her mouth. "No way guys!" She took out the watch hugging us again. "I love you guys so much." She said smiling. We walked off the stage and i hugged Rob he lifted me up his hands on my butt. "You did great." Jc walked away and Kian followed him. Robs phone rang and he picked up. His eyes wide. "Okay. Yeah I'll be there no problem." He said quickly. He hung up looking at me. "East is on there way to our meeting place. They think we have the money there. Nothing will happen but they still need my help." He said hugging me. "I'm coming with you." I said seriously. "No. Stay here I'll call you. We will get them easily. Enjoy the night." He said and walked off. "Shit." I mumbled quietly. Nicki and JJ were gone so i stood alone on the dancefloor. I felt someone tap my shoulder. "Dance with me." He slurred drunkily grabbing my arm. "No!"

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