Samurai Chatroom: DUUDE

348 14 2

Kevin: H3LL0 T0 7ll!

Jayden: h3YY!! WH7T TH3 H36K

Emily: ^_^

Antonio: 7R3 Y0U D053?

Mike: H33333Y GUYS

Kate: Eeeeeww. Guys! Disgusting Langguage! Eeeeww

Mike: wHYYY UU D000 tH111s

Kate removed Mia, Emily, Starfire, Lauren and websie from this conversation

Kate left the conversation


Jayden: 333333333W WH4T THE..

Kevin: jsisjKxbajnzma. Eeew. Im Leaving! True Samurai never does that!

Kevin left this conversation

Mike: Cr4ppy. Antonio? Jayden? Aaaa4ee Y9u eith meh?

Jayden left this conversation

Antonio left this conversation

Mike: -_-

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