Tadashi Jun info!!!!!

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*edit* sorry the pic somehow didn't work anymore....now it does...I hope...

Well this is Tadashi ^^ But image him with brown fox ears and tail, with red tips on it and golden eyes......

He is 14 in human years but he is hundreds of years old, and is your student for a long time.

*swooshhhh!!! Flash back thingie \(o ̄∇ ̄o)/ * 

You had found him when you were strolling through Japan, and saw a little demon fox pup surrounded by lower class demons. Beating him until he bled, you had enough of that and quickly exposed the demons by slicing them in half with your katana. Tadashi saw this and was amazed that you wanted to help him, and of how strong you were. He was determined to be your student and become one day as strong as you, you smiled gently at him and said in a gentle voice "Of course, young one~ But first let us get you patched up and some food shall we?~" and gentle picked him up and carried him to your temple.

For that day onward you took good care of Tadashi, learned him a lot of fighting techniques making him stronger each day. But he also learned the flute and Japanese artwork with you, Tadashi did anything to make you happy and proud for all the stuff that you did for him. He is also really protective of you and is kinda like a protective tsundere to the people that insult you or hate you. But when he is alone with you he is really kind, and bubbly kinda like a shota XD nah just kidding, but he is really adorable when he is alone with you ^^~

Now i hope that's enough info because i'm tired now XD  (-_-) zzz

goodbye~ have a nice day/night~♥






.......Hopefully there aren't any typos now.....also I will update, don't worry you guy's ^^; I just have writers block with this story .....hope you understand.... anyways thank you for reading ^^ I appreciate it ^w^~

(Also don't mind my hyperness in these chap's, I was hyper when this was made....probably because I was so excited with this XD ssooo yeaaahhh....*awkward cough* trust me i'm not that hyper XD)

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