Chap 2~(finally!!(Thnx for being patient))

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Ello~ (btw that's how your temple looks like ;D you can imagen the roof (F/c) if you want ^^(sorry if you don't like it))

Sorry for not updating for a while ^^; I kinda had writer's block with this...I was like...'How the heck am I gunna continue this....' BUT my brain finally had an idea for this(edit:An very sucky idea.), also i'm writing in my one-shot book a lot now(edit:shameless self advertisement), so if you want you can check it out  ^^~ Anyway's hope you like the 2 chapter~


(F/c) = Favorite color, (F/sf)= Favorite stuffing/filling, (F/f): Favorite food


*Your Pov ^^~*

You were already done with the (F/f) and continued making some onigiri with some (F/sf), you were almost done with them when you heard a crash and some rapid foot steps. You sweat dropped 'What are they doing now?--' Your thoughts were quickly interrupted when the two barged into the room, and soon tackled each other and kept rolling on the floor. 

You sighed as you heard Tadashi yelling and the white haired male "GET OFF ME YOU TEME!!!!!!" he soon started to claw at his face face "YOU BRAT!!!! STOP CLAWING AT MY FACE!!!!!" they kept barking insults at each other, making an angry vein appear on your head.

Your eyebrow twitched in annoyance and you grabbed one off your paper fan's and smacked them both across the head, making them clutch their head in pain.

 You held the hand fan threateningly as you glared at the both of them "Would you both stop acting like little kids!! Look at the mess you both made...again!!" they both flinched and looked around the room, seeing that they knocked some stuff down, making the room a mess.

Tadashi sniffled and bowed frantically, letting some fake crocodile tears stream down his face "I'M SO SORRY SENSEI!!!!!!!! I'LL  CLEAN IT UP RIGHT AWAY!!!!". Tadashi then turned his head glaring daggers at the white haired male, he grabbed his ear and tugged him along "YOU TOO, YOU BAKA!!!!! I'M NOT CLEANING THIS MESS WHILE YOU'RE SITTING ON YOUR BUM!!!!!", the white haired male flinches "OUCH! STOP TUGGING MY EAR DAMMIT!!! THEY ARE ALREADY BIG, DON'T MAKE THEM BIGGER YOU BRAT!!!".

You smacked them both again across the head  "Stop it you two!! Just clean already or no food!!" both their faces paled, making you smirk 'That did the trick.~' you thought in satisfaction, as they were frantically cleaning up the room and putting stuff back in it's original place.

*Time skip with reader setting up the table in chibi mode*

Jack Frost x Male!Nine tail fox demon!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now