Chapter 10

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Lindy's POV
I was sitting at home, doing my hair for tonight's dance. I was going with Garrett, of course, and I couldn't wait. I added a little bit more hairspray as the final touch to my half-up half-down look and sat down on the couch in my basement waiting for Garrett to arrive. Logan was down there, fixing his tie before he left to go pick up Alli.
"To be honest, I'm still kind of surprised you're going with Alli to the dance." I stated.
"And why would that be? She is my girlfriend Lindy!" Logan rolled his eyes, and I did too.
"What happened to being in love with Jaz and all that stuff?"
"I don't know, after the truth game thing, it just got kind of awkward. Plus, Alli wanted to go on a second date, and it was fun, so I asked her out."
I didn't even respond. I couldn't stand Alli. She was super catty and created so much drama. And the fact that Logan was dating her was sickening. Logan would be much happier with Jasmine, and Alli was probably going to break his heart anyway.
"Oh, Garrett's here!" I exclaimed and grabbed my purse. He looked really cute in his tux. Garrett took my hand and I sat down in the passenger seat of his car.

Jasmine's POV
Mason and I walked into the dance. The decorations were gorgeous, and I was happy that I was going with Mason. He was being really sweet on the car ride here.
"Hey Jaz!" Lindy exclaimed, "How's it going?"
"Pretty good, actually!" I smiled.
"Cool! Well, the first song just began, so start dancing!" Mason and I started dancing and we were giggling the entire time since Mason was always cracking jokes.

Lindy's POV
"Logan, where are you?" I called him on the phone. The dance had started 20 minutes ago, and there still was no sign of Logan or Alli.
"I'm not going." He sounded upset.
"Why? What's wrong?" I asked.
"Alli dumped me. So now I have this suit, and no date. I'm not going tonight." Logan mumbled.
"I'm sorry Logan about Alli, but you have to come! You paid a fortune for that tux, you're not just going to stay at home!" I rolled my eyes.
"I don't want to stand around with no date like a loser!"
"Listen, Delia didn't have a date. She's just hanging out with me and Garrett. You can too!"
"No! Lindy, I don't want to-"
"Logan, you're coming now or else I'll tell mom and dad that you never actually attended the dance and then they'll make you pay the $500 for that suit..."
"Okay. Be there soon!" Logan hung up.

Jasmine's POV
Okay, so I thought it was going to be fun with Mason, and it was at first, but now he's being really clingy, and I'm not really open to dating him.
"So, if I asked you out right now what would you probably say?" He asked.
"Um, I don't know-"
"Jasmine, will you go out with me?" He interrupted. Not to mention, his flirting skills weren't the best.
"Mason, I don't want to be rude or anything, but I'm just not open to a relationship right now. And it's nothing personal against you, it's just that I rather be single for now." I admitted.
"Then why did you lead me on like this?"
"What do you mean?"
"If you never liked me, why did you go to the dance with me and flirt with me and pretend like you were interested in dating me?"
"But, that's not my intention at all. Mason, hear me out-"
"I don't need to hear anymore. Obviously, you're not into me, so why am I wasting my time?" Mason began to storm out the doors of the high school. I felt kind of embarrassed. I mean, I wasn't in to him, but he didn't have to walk out on me! I began walking towards Lindy, Garrett, and Delia.
"Hey, Jaz! Where's Mason?" Lindy asked.
"Oh, we got into a fight. He left." I muttered.
"That's too bad, but at least you can have fun with us now!" Lindy exclaimed.
"Yeah, that's cool! Where's Logan and Alli?" I was curious about how their relationship was going.
"Actually, Logan is on his way. Alli dumped him by text just before he was going to pick her up. He's just going to come and hang out with us." Lindy explained.
"Oh, cool!" I grinned.
Just then, Logan began to walk through the doors. I couldn't deny that he looked pretty cute.
"Hey guys!" He smiled.
"Hey!" Lindy responded, "Now everyone's here!"
Instantly after that, a slow song came on. Lindy and Garrett began dancing together, as Logan, Delia, and I kind of just stood there awkwardly.
"You know what? I'm going to take a little break and get a drink or something." I said as I walked into the hallway and got a drink from the drinking fountain. After I was done, I looked down at the floor for a second, trying to walk myself through what all had happened tonight. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned around to see Logan.
"Hey, are you okay? I saw you just kind of walk off and I was worried about you."
"To be honest, no. Actually, I was with Mason, and then he started acting all clingy and I don't like him that way and then I tried to tell him that and he blew up on me and we got into a big argument-"
I was interrupted by Logan leaning into me, and me leaning into him. It wasn't long before we were kissing, just like when we were a couple.
"Sorry. I'm not that good at listening." Logan giggled.
"It's okay." I smiled, still stunned from the kiss, "Anyway, so I heard that Alli dumped you. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, it's cool. I guess things weren't meant to be." He shrugged his shoulders and he looked so cute. Was I really falling in love with him all over again?
"Yeah." I added.
"Hey, Jaz, how would you like to slow dance?" Logan asked.
"I'd love that." I blushed as he grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the dance.
"You know, I was stupid for thinking that-" I stopped myself.
"Stupid for thinking what?" Logan said as we were dancing.
"Oh, it's nothing..."
"Come on, Jaz. I know that that's not true-"
"I was stupid for thinking that I could just move on and not fall in love with you all over again." I admitted.
"I feel the same way." He grinned. Things were awkward for a second, until we kissed again.
"You know what's the craziest part of all of this?" Logan asked.
"That I could like a person as much as I like you." I blushed when he said that, as I was gazing up into his eyes.
"Honestly, I don't even think I completely understood my feelings for you at first. I just really liked you, and more than a friend."
"Yeah. You're just a beautiful person, inside and out." I was blushing so hard.
"Thanks, and you're so amazing I couldn't use words to describe it."
The song ended unfortunately. I didn't even want it to end because I was so caught up in the moment with Logan.
"You know what? Why don't we just go to my house and watch movies or something?" Logan offered.
"I'd like that. Let's go!" Logan grabbed my hand and we dashed out to his truck.
"Can I ask you something?" He said calmly.
"Sure. Ask away." I laughed.
"Do you want to just start over? Jaz, I love you will all of my heart and I can't stand to live another day without you."
"Logan, absolutely! I missed you."
"I missed you too."

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