Chapter 12

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Logan's POV
It had been two days since Lindy, Garrett, and Delia had spoken to Jasmine. Lindy had obviously talked to me some, but I haven't heard anything from Garrett and Delia.
"What is taking the pizza guy so long?" Jasmine complained and then giggled.
"I don't know. Maybe his car got stuck in mud." I laughed.
"Why mud?" Jaz gave me a weird look, but she still looked stunning.
"I don't know. Why not?" Just after I said that, Jasmine got a call on her phone and got up to grab it.
"Oh, it's Alli!" Jasmine rolled her eyes and she put the call on speaker.
"Hi Jasmine. I have quite a bit of information for you." Alli cackled.
"Okay...please share." Jasmine began.
"So, I've heard that you and Logan are back together..."
"Yes. And your point is?"
"Don't get sassy with me idiot. But listen, you need to watch your back. No one steals my man like that!"
"Um, Alli, you broke up with Logan."
"Yes I did. Because I suspected he still had feelings for you! So just watch out because you have another thing coming."
"Oh my goodness Alli, I'm so scared! Are you coming to come and try to slap me and then cry when you break a nail!?"
"Puh-lease. Don't get too cocky, Kang. One heck of a surprise is around the corner." Then Alli hung up.
"I am not scared of her at all. Like seriously, what is she going to do to me?" Jasmine laughed.
"Whatever she does, I'll protect you." I offered.
"Gosh, could you get anymore perfect?" She giggles and I kiss her cheek. All of a sudden, I hear a knock on the door.
"Ooh, it's finally the pizza!" Jasmine exclaimed as she dashed to the door.
"Kang. I told you to watch your back. I thought I'd come tell you a little bit of information in person." Alli cackled as she walked in.
"Alli, how do you know where I live!?" Jasmine shrieked. She looked at me and gave me a scared look.
"My dad's the mayor, idiot. He know where everyone lives." Alli said as she kicked her feet up on Jaz's coffee table and sat on the couch.
"What are you doing here Alli?" I snapped. Why did I ever date her?
"I had a little news for Jasmine." Alli looked at her supiciously, "Look, what would you be willing to do to stay dating Logan?"
"Um, basically anything. He's so great." Jasmine looked at me and I smiled.
"Spill the beans about your best friends?" Alli asked.
"What do you mean?" Jasmine looked slightly upset.
"Listen, I want some information about Lindy, Garrett, and Delia. I need to know some gossip about that weird love triangle thing they have going on." Alli hissed.
"First of all, they don't really have a love triangle. Lindy and Garrett are dating right now. And second, why do you care about them anyway?"
"Just think about it. If you don't text me and tell me some inside scoop about those 3 in 72 hours, then you can kiss your precious boyfriend good bye." Alli said as she smiled deviously.
"How would you do that?" Jasmine was concerned.
"That's the least of your worries right now. Just text me the info, and things will be simple. See you around, moron." Alli strutted out of Jasmine's living room. A tear rolled down Jasmine's cheek, and I wiped it away.
"Logan, she can't just tear us apart like that!" Jasmine sniffled.
"You're right, because I won't let her do that!" I exclaimed.
"I hate to admit it, but I'm scared. I really am." Another group of tears fell from Jasmine's eyes.
"How do you still look so beautiful when you cry?" I asked her.
"I don't." She chuckled, "Everyone knows I'm a really ugly crier."
"Not in my eyes. You're never ugly to me." I smiled, "Look, nothing as stupid as my pathetic ex is going to make us break up. I know it feels like everything is going wrong, considering our friends are mad at us and we're being threatended, but nothing is going to get us down. Not a single thing, because we have each other."
"You really know how to make me feel better, don't you?" Jasmine blushed. We hugged and she rested her head on my shoulder.
"Anyway, it's getting late. I should let you get some rest. See you tomorrow at school. And don't stress about all of the drama with Alli, okay?" I got up and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Good night Logan." She waved to me as I left.

Jasmine's POV
I had just finished my hair and makeup, grabbed my backpack and was in my mom's car on the way to school. I was flipping through my flashcards for my big English test today.
"You're going to do great, sweetie." My mom grinned as I got out of the car.
"Thanks mom!" I walked up the steps and began to go inside. I was putting my binder away when I felt someone pinch my shoulder.
I turned around to see Alli, "What the heck? Why did you just pinch me!?"
"I just wanted to remind you that the clock is ticking. You only have 64 hours to give me that info, or else..." She smirked.
"Alli, I get it. Can you just leave me alone?" I snapped.
"Okay, your option. But just remember that you don't have a ton of time." Alli walked away. Just as she left, I saw Delia with Michael out of the corner of my eyes. They are a horrible couple, and I don't want him to just use her! Michael gave Delia a hug and left to go hang out with some of his friends.
I felt a pair of hands wrap around my eyes, "Guess who?"
"Is it my amazing boyfriend?" I giggled.
"Yes it is!" Logan exclaimed, laughing.
I turned around and hugged him.
All of a sudden, I saw Delia running down the hall in tears.
"Is she okay?" I was worried.
"I don't know. I think we should check it out." Logan grabbed my hand and we dashed down the hall after Delia.
"Delia! Delia Delfano! Delia!" I yelled. Delia just kept running, and so did Logan and I. I tried to yell her name again, but it didn't work. She wasn't listening to us.
"Logan, stay here. I got this."
"Are you positive?"
"Yes. Trust me." I assured him. I saw Delia turn to the left, but I knew that if I went to the right I could go through a specific hallway that would take me straight to where Delia was. Even though we weren't talking to each other, and I don't like her and Michael dating, I still was worried about her.
"Delia!" I put my hand on her shoulder, "Are you okay?"
"So now you care about me?" She snapped.
"I always have! What's this about Deels?"
"It's nothing..."
"Seriously? You think I'm going to believe that? I just saw you bawling your eyes out!"
"I can't tell you this. You would kill me if I told you."
"Delia, just spill the beans! I won't judge!"
"Fine...I'm not happy with Michael, and he is a bad influence on me. I broke up with him."
"Delia, there's no need to be sad about that! I'm happy you realized that."
"That's not all, Jaz. That's not what I'm upset about. You know how I told you that I never liked you and Logan dating? Well, it's kind of because...I wish I was dating him." Delia sighed, "But Jaz, don't let this effect you. I want you to be happy, so don't worry about me. Seriously."
"Deels, I don't really know how to respond. I'm sorry about everything." I was shocked.
"It's cool. Could you just do me one favor, and not tell anyone else about this?"
"Of course." I grinned and hugged Delia.
As much as I'd love to keep this secret, I don't know if I can...

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