Chapter 2

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60 days left;

Brooke's POV:

After walking for what felt like ages, I got to the park, and ideas the only one there.

It was kind of creepy because it was very dim and I was alone.

I shrugged off the weird thoughts and starting writing, i started a song called Like I'm Gonna Lose You (A/n I know this is by Meghan Trainor so pretend it's Brooke's)

I starred signing it out loud, because hey im alone.

"I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you,
I'm gonna hold you, like I'm saying goodbye
Where ever we're standin. I won't take you for granite.
Cus we'll never know it,
When we'll run out of time.

So I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you-"

I stop when I see a boy that looks about my age walking over to me, I'm slightly scared, I don't know This guy!

My thoughts are erupted when the familiar boy reaches me, and sits down.

"Uh hi, I'm Niall, your an amazing singer." He says to me shyly, holing his hand out.

"Niall?!" I said very surprised.

"BROOKE?! Oh my god, I've missed ye!" He said hugging me really tight.

I hugged back saying "I've missed ye to!"

Me and Niall went to middle and high school together. We were best friends. I missed him so much.

"So if you don't mind me asking, what is that tank for?" He asked me.

I was scared, he was from One Direction. He had all of those fans falling all over him(including me). And yet he acted like he liked me. But I had to tell him, I had to.

"Um no it's fine, i don't mind you asking. Uh I have thyroid cancer inside my lungs and I'm set to die in a couple of months." I said looking down a tear falling out of my eye.

"Really?!" He said, starting to tear up as well for a unknown reason. "No no no no no, that can't happen, there has to be a way!"

"I wish there was Niall, i really wish there was, but it can't happen, it's no possible." I said back.

"But...But...but...there HAS to!" He said full on crying now, "I just found my baby, i can't lose you again!"

"B-b-bb-baby?" I said in full shock.

"Oh shit, i knew i should've kept me mouth shut! I'm so stupid!" He said to himself.

I had a question that I really needed to ask.

"Niall...?" I said nervous for his answer.

"Yeah?" His answered with his head in his hands.

"Do you love me?"

"Course! Your my best friend, not my baby pshh whatever" he said sternly.

"Oh okay" I said as I started crying

"Wha-what happened? What did i do??" He said looking at me.

"Well just for a split second when you called me baby, I thought you meant it! I thought you loved me! I was actually that stupid to think that mister hot shot Niall Horan would fall in love with his best friend! But no! I'm glad I'm dying because I have no freedom, no life ahead of me, and no you!" I screamed at him, pouring my feelings out, because I was dying in two months, what's the reason to try o be happy anymore?

"I never thought you loved me! Don't scream at me! I'm hurting just as much as you are! I love you more than anything that has EVER EXSISTED! I've always loved you! Always! I'm hurt too ya know! When I finally gained the courage to find you and ask you to date me, I was going to be with you forever. I've always known we were meant to be together! But now it's all ruined because I never had the courage, now it's too late!" He screamed back, crying also.

These words meant the world to me, I loved him so much. I had to be with him while I could.

I started silently sobbing while he watched me.

"What's wrong?" He said, "say something! Do something, please!" He yelled crying.

"Fine" I said "I'll do something"

In that moment I built up all of that courage I had tonight. This was going to be the most important decision ever I told myself.

I grabbed Niall's face in my hands, look him in the eyes...and kiss him.

He was shocked but after a second or two kissed me back, what a relief. I pulled away smiling.

"I told you I'd do something." I said with a smirk.

"So uh I know there's not much time left but will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me

I started crying...again.

"Yes oh my god yes!" I said kissing him again.

"This is the best and worst day ever." He said hugging and kissing me.

"I love you, niall"

"I love you too Brooke."

So that is a rap for the second chappie!
It's mushy I knowwww
Deal wit it 😈😏💗🍼

Stay rad,
Stay bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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