The Repositioning

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The day was cloudy with a little sunlight. But in heaven things were about change. Not a weather change but something even big. Infinity Amora had been an angel since she was created. She was wearing a lose white dress which showed her tanned skin, chocolate brown hair and cognac brown eyes with gold flecks in it. She had trained well to fulfill all her responsibility. She was no beauty as people thought of angels to be, but that was what she thought, not others. There she stood with a sword in her hand against her brother Carter.

Suddenly a shadow appeared behind. She turn to face the person behind her. There he was Archangel Gabriel. He had perfect pale face with silver gray eyes. With full lips and roman nose. Muscular body because of heavy training and fight in wars.His looks was the reason that he was loved by a lots. But near to the almighty, his beauty didn't matter, what matter was his loyalty and obedience.

"So what bring you here, Gabriel?", Infinity said to the Archangel.

"I'm here to inform you that you're being send down to earth. As a fallen angel." ,Archangel replied. Infinity narrowed her eyes, did she do something wrong.

"But why? Did i do something wrong? Why am i being punished?", Infinity whined. The Archangel knew that the fact Infinity was sent to earth would be really bothering for her.

"It's not a punishment. It is a mission. You have to train the army of fallen angels for killing every creature that was not meant to be on earth. Vampires, Werewolves, Warlocks and the others. To protect the human race.", The Archangel said in his husky voice. It was like he had completely cleared all of the doubts in Infinity's mind. Infinity understood what she was meant to do. Archangel turned to return to his responsibilities but suddenly he turned to Infinity again. He handed her the clothes one of his students brought.

"Here, wear this for your journey there", Archangel said. Infinity examined the clothes, it was a black shirt, black leather jacket and jeans.

"How am i going to wear this? Please give me something less tight", Infinity squealed.

"On earth most of the fallen angels wear this kind of clothes. So unfortunately you'll have to wear this", The Archangel said. Soon after Archangel returned to his responsibilities. Infinity rushed to her room in angel's quater. She quickly got dressed. As she turned she confronted her mother. Her mother Sandra was just like her with the same hair colour to the skin colour. Her mother had frusted look on her face.

"Honey! Why you?", her mother exclaimed. She somehow knew it was a great opportunity for Infinity to tell why was she born as an angel. But this journey also had it's setbacks which were worrying for her.

"Mom, i'll be fine. Don't worry about me. Take care of Carter and Dad for me.", Infinity said trying to cheer her mother.

Infinity took her sword, her dagger which was designated to her on the day she was born and wore her black boots. She stormed towards to the Repositioning center as she was excited about this mission. She was stopped by Thomson Dales. Infinity liked him since she first saw him. Even as a kid, he had beautiful nut brown eyes, black hair with tan skin. "Finn, you are going without me. I thought that we were best friends . huh ", Thomas said. It was like he was upset about Infinity going.

"Tom, i am sorry, i have to do this on my own. But i will meet you soon.", Infinity replied. Giving Thomas a hug, she quickly moved toward the door of the Repositioning center. As she opened the door, she saw two angel who had the job of repositioning angels. And now was her turn. The room from which she was going to be repositioned was completely white. As white as milk.

"Ms Amora ,hold on. It is going to be bumpy ride. And all the best.", one of the repositioning angel with amazing silver hair and green eyes said. Infinity knew that she had to take the pain in case to get what she wanted. She quickly stood on the Repositioner. She was ready to do what she was meant to do. She stood there, feeling alot lonely. Slowly, everything around her blurred and then faded. So this is how any angel was repositioned. Then a deafening noise was folowed and finally she was here. She was on Earth. The place she had heard alot about. And now that she was here, she was overwhelmed by the whole situation.

"Yeah!", Infinity screamed in joy and excitement. She finally was going to know, maybe somehow real people. They were fallen angels but seemed more realistic than she ever was. Then she realised the fact that she was utterly lost. She walked few kilometres confused where she was.

It was now the afternoon on earth. Then she saw him. A boy with electric blue eyes and dark brown hair. She decided not stay where she was and try to figure things out. So she strolled towards the boy in order to take information.

"Excuse me, Can you help me?", Infinity requested.

"Yeah, sure Ms.........", The boy with blue eyes replied politely.

"Amora, I am Infinity Amora. Thank you for helping me. ", Infinity said. She was somehow mesmerized by this boys appearance. Those blue eyes were just so deep like sea , but not clear like something was hidden in them.

He told Infinity the way she needed to go and went towards his destination which was in the opposite direction of the path Infinity was taking. She walked few kilometres. Until she saw something, she was too tired to do anything. She glanced at the sign board she saw. The sign said Thank you for visiting Roseville.

She was confused. Then she realised that sneaky bastard had send her in the wrong direction. He was trying to play with her. She was furious so she started to run back to the place she started this journey. The place she met him. She ran until she reached the town.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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