Chapter 4

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As my sisters and I walked into the main office, a foul odor permeated the rooms.

"OMG what is that smell" Anthea, Whisper/yelled, holding her nose and hiding her face behind her clutch.

"I'm not sure" Arabella, replied, with a look that was a mix of disgust and confusion

"GET THOSE BOYS IN MY OFFICE IMMEDIATELY!" an unknown voice bellowed from the nearby office. an older lady who appeared to be the secretary ran out of the office, not even noticing us. Only when she finally sat down at her desk after about ten minutes of running around like a chicken with no head, did the frazzled woman finally notice my sisters and I standing in the doorway. "hello can I help you?" the secretary asked.

"Yes we are the Clarks" Arabella, stated trying to sound"sophisticated"

Notice the quotes, don't get me wrong I love my sister but sometimes she could come across as a stick in the mud.

"ahh yes the Clarks from New York, I'm Miss Maywood, it's a pleasure to meet you," Miss Mayfield said sweetly.

"Hiya I'm Anthea, this is my sister Arabella, and this is our little brother Destin," Anthea said putting emphasis on "little" and taking usual.

"Welcome to Rosefield, Headmistress Whitmore would like to welcome you three herself, feel free to just go in" Miss Maywood responded.

I nodded in response and the slowly walked towards the Headmistress's office with my sisters in tow gently knocking my knuckles on the tall wood door; to announce our presence. A thin, middle age woman, with shoulder length red hair; sat behind the monstrous desk sitting in front of us.

She looked up from her paperwork and smiled "please come in" she said with a thick Irish accent as she got up from the desk and guided us to the sitting area. After my sisters and I got comfortable in the deep leather couch, the woman continued. "Welcome to Rosefield Preparatory Academy, I'm Moira Whitmore, the Headmistress here at Rosefield. I like to welcome new students such as yourselves myself to let them know if there is anything they require to feel free to let me know." Headmistress Whitmore said with a grin.

"Thank you very much we will let you know if we need anything" Arabella replied again trying to sound older than she was.

"I also would like to offer my apologies for the odor, a couple of the more troublesome students thought it would be comical to throw stink bombs into my office through the skylights, I do hope you will steer clear of them" the administrator added with a hopeful grimace.

"We will do our best to stay out of trouble"

I replied with a reassuring nod.

"Well I will let you three find your classes, enjoy the rest of your day," the Headmistress said as she guided us to the door.

As we walked out I saw the same group of boys' were now sitting in the waiting area; as my sisters and I passed most of them smirked and followed the girls with their eyes, but then I realized that these were the same guys that had a football outside of my house. One of them caught my attention, the cute one who helped me up. He just looked at me with a boyish grin.

A/N: Hey guys I want to apologise for the extended "Hiatus"; It started as writers block then IDK life happened and I kinda got swallowed up. I do want to shout out to the AMAZING writer and story that inspired me to finally get back to writing. The Fantabulous Mary A.K.A God/ Drummstixx and her story ~What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know (Boyxboy)~ It is truly my FAVORITE STORY EVER. PS. you might recognise Headmistress Whitmore {picture at top} as Michelle Fairley a.k.a Lady Catelyn Stark 

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