Chapter 2

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I collapsed on my bed hurting my head. I should've put pillows there.

"Don't you fucking die. You have to tell us about him" said Kirstie when I was trying to rub my hurting site.

"Are you okay? Is it that hard?" I snapped back.

"I didn't tell you I'll be nice. Tell us everything, now. We can't wait"

"So, I don't know anything about him but he looks almost as well as me. And as you know it's hard"

"Wait a second. You're telling us you don't know even his name and we have to help you?" said Kevin.

"Something like that"

"Have you already thought how we will find him? There are hundreds of people here" asked Avi with his low voice.

"We will figure something out"

"You will figure something out. Not we. Why do you want this that much? You can just fuck him like you always do" said Kevin giving me a bottle. It smelled like good alcohol so I drunk a half of it.

"I haven't been playing with somebody for awhile and I miss it so bad" I smiled.

I saw that doors were ajaring. I hid the bottle inside the wall. We made a little hole there so nobody could see it.

"Scott, idiot! You fucking scared me. I hate you!" I yelled at him.

"Well, you shouldn't babe. I've got something new"

"I love you. Mommy was so thirsty" I said throwing a little bag with some drugs to Avi.
In a few seconds later a voice filled our cell.


"Fuck off" said our whole five. Talking with this voice is kind of our tradition.

"You've got ff-f-ve mi-nunu-t-s"

"This stupid shit is broken again! Wait, I'll fix it" I said twiddling some weird speaker's winders.
It was always working but not this time.

"I'll do it" said Scott kicking the speaker.

"How did yo-"

"Shut up" said our specialist of speakers putting his hand to my mouth. I just put it deeper and started to bite it.

"Boys, you can fuck each other and me later 'kay? We have to go now" said little blonde grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Why again?" I sighed "Oh, I forgot. We are in the fucking prison! Are we going there?"

"If you are thinking about the therapy, you are right. We are going there" said one of the guards handcuffing me. How did he get here? "Hurry up, losers" who is a loser here? I'm not a professionalist of handcuffing others, I thought.

If you want to get into rooms where are therapies, you have to go through almost whole prison. The way to the therapies leads through big halls and corridors. Dirty concrete walls aren't the nicest view but there are worse things than this. Worse for these who are new or weak. We are strong, we don't need anyone to take care about us, we can do everything by ourselves. I've been here for four years, I know all these corridors only for prison stuff.
Everybody is afraid of me because they know how many people I hurt. Obviously, they are wrong. They think that I hurt many of people. They think that I raped, hurt and intimidate them. But it isn't truth. The truth is that I made them a pleasure. They were moaning, begging for more. And I had fun. I wasn't hurting anyone. If I was, I wouldn't feel so good and strong, would I?
We have a few rules here, sometimes prisoners forget about them. Namely: be strong and care only about yourself.
Keeping these rules is the reason why we are on the top. Maybe we won't leave these place in next few or even ten or fifteen years but we've got everything under our control. Everything.

The guards filled us into the therapy room. Grey concrete walls, a few tinted windows, five chairs and one big armchair, that's all.
We sat on the chairs - Scott on my right and Kevin on my left. I crossed my legs and I used my arms to shorb head. I had started to rock on my chair. I stopped when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

"Grassi, calm down"

"I will do what I fucking want to. And you won't tell me what to do, right? Oh, but maybe you want to be kicked out of this fucking nonsense job? In which you earn weak money to pleasure your own ass. You steal food from these prison's magazines. You think I don't know anything about it? They know it too" I pointed on my friends trickling through my teeth "but we can fuck tonight and I'll forget about every-"

"Hello! I'm glad you wanted to come here" said the women who asked me these annoying question about my name which she absolutely know.

"We don't want to be here. They took us here" said Avi. He was so angry, like all of us.

"Shut up" she snapped back. Then she had changed her voice. She sounded so sweet then "This is your new therapist" are you kidding? This can't be a truth.

"It's he. Our new toy" I whispered.

A/N hi, fcuties! this chapter has over 850 words woooo be proud okay. I'm so sorry for not updating anything in last two days. I was feeling horrible and yesterday I was trying to translate this piece of sh*t but I couldn't do anything right. hopefully I'm feeling okay today and I'm not planing to feel bad again so I can write more chapters for you! do you know who is their new therapist? because I know. I'm love teasing you btw. if you like it (not teasing but this chapter), you can leave a comment or vote (or you can do even both!!! yes, wattpad has these options wooho) that's all, see you in the next chapter!

PS guys I'm so sorry for all typos but I wanted to post it now

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