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This chapter is dedicated to StormSiren101 for being awesome at supporting me when I'm outta ideas!!

I woke up on a cold stone table. Sage and Lucas all bandaged up, laying in the corner of a small stone house; fast asleep on a pile of straw.
I took in my surroundings, a small fire flickered in the crumbling stone fireplace, an old woman was bent over the stove frying something, her snarled hands flew as she seasoned something on the stove.

I sat up and the woman turned. She had a aged face, leathery skin and a bulbous nose. She gave me a five tooth grin and hobbled over to me.

"I'm glad your awake darling, my sister is ready as well, but first eat."
She handed me a bowl of fried meat and some dry bread.

"Your sister? Why does she want me?"

"Let's just say you almost brought the tunnels down."

"My friends are they okay?" I said getting up worriedly.

The cabin shook. I winced.

Calm down!

I stood up on shaky legs. The room swam. I stabilized myself on the stone table.

"Ah ah! Down try sweetie. It's best you stay put!" She said.

She sat me down and opened a door and closed it behind her.

I got up then collapsed on the floor. The loose stones cut my knees.

I crawled over to the boys. They lay there on straw totally dead to the world.

I shook Lucas's shoulder, his head lolled to the side.
I stumbled back to the table as the woman came in.

She helped me walk into a dim candle lit room.
A black figure sat on the ground, seven dim candles circled her.

Blue light shone from her eyes. She looked up at us and gestured for the old woman to leave.

I was left alone in a room with an oracle.

"My girl..." Her voice trailed off into a eerie whisper.

"Y-yes?" I asked my legs shaking.

"You want to know why you are so strong..."

"Sure I guess." I said quietly

"Why you survived the sword of the Titans......" She said her blue eyes starring right through me.

I gulped.

"You are very special...you are not like the others.."

"Okay just get to your point oracle!" I said.

"You. Megara Anthos. You...are..a...descendant of....a...god. You are not all human."

I stared at her in shock.
"But I thought only Titans could survive that sword,?"

"No darling. And very powerful creatures can too. You are more powerful than a demigod, but not as powerful as a god, your grandmother was Athena."


"That's why the hellhound found you, he smelt you. And a human would have died when the hellhound crushed you, a human would have died when they touched the sword."

"Oh gods!" I was in shock. "Do I have any powers?"

"Only super human strength and...and.."

"And what?" I asked anxiously.

"I.. Immortality. You can't have really have any feeling for a human."

"Wait! How can I get my immortality away?" I asked.

"Darling why would you want to give away such a gift?"

"I don't want to live forever!"
I half screamed my voice getting caught in my throat.

"To get rid of immortality you have to get Kronos's wrath out of your body."


The boys recovered quickly then we set out to take the boys home. And I would go find a way to get rid of Kronos.

We had a lot of supplies so we wouldn't need any more help.

I hadn't told the boys what the oracle said yet. I'm not sure I should.

Sorry for such a short chapter!! U mite not like the next few last chaps!! Srry!! Have a beautiful day!!

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