Chapter Two

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Picture of Tyler at the top👆👆

I woke up in the nurse's office not remembering how I got there. I sat up and spotted the nurse writing something in her book.

As she saw me she walked over and sat down. This wasn't the first time I ended up in her office so she knew me well. "How did I get here?" I asked.

"Some boy, I think his name Nate, saw you lying in the hall unconscious and rushed you here." I was a little surprised that out of all people Nate would be the one to make sure I was alright. "Did he say anything?" I asked.

"All he said was to make sure you were alright. He looked kind of angry though. Almost as if he was going to rip someone's head off." She chuckles a little at that last sentence.

The nurse said that I was free to go as I made my way towards the door and started walking down the hall people staring at me and whispering as I passed.

I ignored all of them and pulled my hood over my head. I reached my locker and started looking for my books. All of a sudden I felt someone come near me. I turned around to look at who it was, a saw Nate standing there. He locked eyes with me and something happened.

It felt like we were the only the only ones in the hall; like everything was okay and I would never get hurt again. My horny wolf Una was purring, 'mate! Mate! Mate! ' lusting after his sexy body. She was the opposite of me in every way

I made her quiet down then after a while I broke away from his lock and started looking through my locker again, then I heard his voice, "um are you okay? I saw you lying on in the hallway unconscious and thought that you could use some help."

I saw his eyes darken at the memory and saw that he was trying to contain himself. "What was that in the hallway, them, beating you up. Can't you defend yourself? Fight back?" I shook my head no. We started having a normal conversation as if we knew each other for years; it wasn't awkward in any way.

We had the same classes and in every one of them he either sat next to or behind me. It was the first time I've ever had a normal friendly relationship with someone after my family were killed.

We were standing in the hallway talking and laughing, when Ashton and some of the pack members walked up to us. My heart started racing and I thought that they were going to hurt me again for talking to Nate.

They came and stood a few inches in front of us. People who were standing around were staring and starting to gather around us. Nate came and stood in front of me in a defensive stance and was now standing face to face with Ashton.

"Well well well, look at what he has here guys." Ashton said with an evil smirk on his face. A blonde she-wolf whose name was Brittany started giggling.

"If you touch her again and I'll make sure that I rip your head off." Nate Threatened. Brittany answered, "Oh look. She's found herself a mate" While Ashton and Nate were having a stare off.

A few profanities passed through them. The principal soon came in the hallway breaking off our little meeting. "This isn't over Tyler" Ashton sneered before he walked away. At that last sentence I started panicking tears forming in my eyes.

It wasn't long before black spots started to cover them and I started to fall, but before I hit the ground someone caught me. And because of the sparks running through me I knew that it was Nate.

It is very dark and it seemed as if I am floating. Then I heard a very familiar voice behind me and turned around. Standing right in front of me was my mother wearing a white gown.

"Mom? Is that you?" I had already started to cry. "Yes honey it's me. I'm so sorry we had to leave you but it was for your own good. We lost our lives to save yours" she said. Then she disappeared and the accident that happened seven years ago of my family's death came.

How the rouges appeared around the house and my dad, Alpha Collins went outside followed by my mother, Luna Collins and two older brothers, Lucas and Carlisle. They were all fighting then one of the rogues started a fire.

It burned down half of the forest and killed my parents. I just assumed that it killed my brothers too because they were never found. I was only ten at that time looking through my bedroom window.

My brothers had told my lock myself in and don't come out. I saw some of the pack member trying their best to help them fight but they were out numbered by the rouges.

The fire burned down everyone including the rouges but didn't burn the pack house, since it wasn't close to it.

Then another image came when I turned fourteen and ran away from home and started living life like a rogue. I was running through the woods in my wolf form when four rogues appeared out of nowhere and attacked me.

I knocked out on the floor waiting for my death, but it never came. What came were Ashton and his pack members they killed the rogues and put me in their pack. Another came when just recently Ashton had hit me in the school hall.

Tears were already formed in my eyes since the first memory came. I couldn't hold it in anymore and started crying and screaming at the voices talking in my head telling my I'm weak, that I'm worthless and I don't deserve to live.

I woke up with tears and sweat covering my face, and to my surprise Nate was spitting there staring at me with worry in his eyes.

A whole lot of questions filled my mind like why won't he reject me, or how is he so comfortable around me? I mean I'm just me; the nobody, a poor excuse of a werewolf.

I don't know how god says that he loves me when he has me on earth just to suffer. I couldn't control my sobbing and then Nate came and put his warm arms around me,while I snuggled up closer to him and started crying on his shoulders.

After about an hour of crying I decided to go and take a shower, and started walking towards one of the doors but then I realized that I didn't know where I was.

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