Ch. 4

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"Avi, one of Scott's friends. Remember?" Mitch shook his head, though Alex couldn't see. "Give me a second please."

"Sure." Alex agreed. Mitch looked for his phone. He only had two contacts, and he knew which one he was looking for.

He opened a text to Scott.

From: MitchyMitch
Someone named Avi wants to come in.. Can I?

From: Sandra (blond boy)
Uh, yeah, I guess. If it's Avi.

From: MitchyMitch
Ok. Bye.

From: Sandra (blond boy)

Mitch slowly opened the door, and Alex came in. Mitch didn't recognize him as Scott's ex-boyfriend.

"What did you say your name was?" "Avi." Alex answered. "Okay, so what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Kirstie can't make it, so I'm looking after you." "Who's that?" "Kirstie, she's short, brown hair, brown eyes." "Brown eyes.. I think I know her."

"Bunch of piercings, she has a dog." "That's right, Kirstie. The doggie girl." Mitch was still apprehensive about this man's presence.

"Yeah, her."

"But Sandra never told me you're looking after me." "He did, you just didn't remember." Alex lied.

"But- I don't- huh. I guess he must have." Alex gave him a final grin and headed over to the medicine cabinet. He unscrewed the top of the Namenda, and poured it down the sink.

"Wait, what are you-" Alex placed his hand over Mitch's mouth. "Shh. Be quiet."

"But-" Mitch screeched in pain as Alex kicked him in the shin. "Please no. Please?" Mitch pleaded as Alex started dumping his other bottle of pills.

"No word of this to Scott, got it?" He said when he finished emptying the container of pills.

"Who's that?" Mitch asked, his voice strained from the pain where Alex hit him. "Oh, I forgot. You're a bastard. The tall boy with the blond hair. You know him?"

Mitch nodded.

"Okay then. Don't tell him anything. That is, if you even remember. Who knows with your shit for a brain."

"Wha-" Alex grabbed his arm and twisted it until Mitch was screaming in agony.

"I won't, I won't. I promise!" He yelled, attempting to fight back. Alex dumped him on the floor, slamming his cheek into the tile.

"Good." He muttered, stepping over his body. "And clean yourself up, you look like a mess."

Alex bust through the door, slamming it behind him.

Mitch laid on the ground and sobbed, curling up into a ball. "Doggie girl!" He cried. "I want- I want doggie girl! Help! HELP!"

He blew his voice out calling for Kirstie and eventually gave up, the remaining tears falling on the floor.

Ten minutes passed until there was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" He whispered, his throat stinging. His words were soft, yet Kirstie seemed to hear.

"It's Kirstie, are you okay?"

Mitch smiled softly. "Sort of." "Let me in right now Mitch." He could hear the nervousness in his voice, and crawled to the door.

"It's open." He hoped his voice would be clearer. She opened the door and spotted him on the floor.

"Oh, sw- Mitch." She lifted him up by his arms. "How did this happen?" "I don't know." Mitch knew he wasn't supposed to say what took place, but he'd forgotten it anyway.

Kirstie pulled out her phone and called Scott. "I'm gonna call your boyfriend, okay? He'll take care of you."

Mitch nodded, and sat down in the closest chair, trying to ignore the ringing in his ears.

Scott picked up he phone after four rings. "I'm super swamped, Kirstie. What?" She sighed in annoyance and replied.

"Get your ass over here and clean Mitch up." "Huh?" "He's bleeding, crying, and he can barely stand."

"I-I'll be there in a few." "You better." She warned, and he hung up the phone. She walked over to Mitch. "Hey, how you doing?"

"I'm fine.. I guess." "Sorry, stupid question." He didn't reply.

She studied his frame, and saw he was in even worse condition. Along with him being highly underweight, his hair was greasy and his beard was getting thick.

"You need to take a shower." She remarked.

"With you?" He asked. She giggled. "No, by yourself. Scott can help you. I mean, not that it would even matter if we did. You're gay, and we both have boyfriends."

"What's gay again?" "Tyler Oakley." Kirstie smirked, laughing at her own joke. "Who's that?" "The man with the rainbow hair. He has a lisp?"

A wave of recognition swept across Mitch's face. "Him, right. He's funny, I like him. But what is gay?"

Kirstie thought how to phrase it simply.

"It means you have lovey feelings for boys instead of girls." "Oh. Then yes, Tyler Oakley is extremely gay indeed."

She laughed harder, and clutched her side. Mitch grinned at seeing her happy, though he didn't quite understand.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and Mitch jumped. "There has been far too much door opening today." He breathed.

"Honey, I'm so sorry." Scott dashed over to Mitch, and he cringed at the pet name.

Scott turned to Kirstie. "How did it happen?" "Ask him yourself." Kirstie replied. "He won't remember, he can't remember anything."

"Scott!" Kirstie gasped. Mitch's eyes glinted with tears, but he fought them back. Everything was too dramatic recently, it was incredibly off-putting.

"He's right." Mitch said quietly. "I don't remember what happened, but I'm pretty sure it was the same person that I let in."

"Wait- Avi? It couldn't be Avi, he's one of my closest friends."

"I'm not sure though." Mitch corrected. "You're never sure." Scott groaned. "You can never be sure of anything, and I'm so tired of it! It couldn't have been Avi."

"He said he didn't know, Scooter. Calm down." Kirstie put her hand on his shoulder. "Was it Jeremy?" Scott asked, ignoring her.

"Okay, Hoying. Now you've crossed a line. Jeremy is my boyfriend, and he loves Mitch. He'd never hurt him."

"Kevin, maybe?" "Scott. Please."

"Wait, wait. Who are all of these people?" Mitch felt delirious after the day he'd had, the whole thing was nauseating.

Scott grunted in frustration and stomped to his room, resembling a three year old getting put in a time out. "Kirstie, I don't understand."

"I know. I'm sorry, Mitch. He's being horrible. I'll talk to him later, alright?"

Mitch nodded and threw his head back, his chest pounding. "Some days I just want to give up, you know? Make the whole thing go away. Disappear."

Kirstie looked at him knowingly, yet there was no way to know. Nobody could truly understand Mitch's brain, or the terrible thoughts it gave him.

But at least she tried.

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