Ch. 8

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Kirstie messed with her hair for what seemed like the millionth time. Mitch sighed. "Can you please stop twitching? You're making me dizzy."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Kirstie apologized, but her foot started to tap nervously when she stopped touching her hair.

"Doggie girl, calm down. You look fine." Mitch said, flipping through a bridal magazine. Kirstie spinned, looking at herself in the mirror.

"Are you sure?" She asked. Mitch looked up from his magazine and started at Kirstie. Her dress contrasted beautifully against her skin, making her look as if she was glowing.

Mitch smiled. "Yes." Kirstie let out a small breath, and felt a little more relieved. Mitch wasn't one to lie so he could protect someone's feelings.

"Okay, I'm good. C'mon, stand up. I'm sure you look great, but let me check." Mitch stood up, and adjusted his sweater.

"Mm-hmm, you look fabulous." Kirstie handed a bouquet to him. "You're the prettiest of all the bridesmaids."

"Thank you." Mitch giggled, and admired himself in the mirror. "Where are the bridesmaids, anyway?" He sat back down.

"Flirting with all the boys." Kirstie groaned.

"They're just jealous that you got a ring first."

Kirstie laughed. "Yeah, I guess they are." She admired the diamond rock on her ring finger.

"When's the ceremony supposed to start? I'm bored." Mitch played with the roses he was given, picking a couple petals off.

Kirstie turned on her phone to check the time. "We have a little whi- oh my god." "What's wrong?" Mitch asked. Kirstie started at her phone.

"It's in ten minutes." "So?" Kirstie took heavy breaths. "Ten minutes, Mitch. I- I can't do this, I'm freaking out!" She shrieked.

Mitch went pale.

"Uh- um, you love him, right?" He asked. "Jeremy? Of course." "You love each other, then there's nothing to worry about, right? Though, there is a possibility of divorce."

"Thanks." Kirstie said, glaring at him. Mitch shrugged. "But you're right, you're right. I love him, he loves me, that's all that matters."

Mitch nodded and went back to picking petals, muttering "he loves me, he loves me not." Finally, he yelled. "Doggie girl! He loves me!"

Kirstie smiled. "Who?"

"Tyler Oakley." Mitch said proudly.

"Wait, Tyler Oakley?" She said. "Yes, he's my new boyfriend. Why?" "You- you remembered his name? How?"

"I don't know. His hair, maybe." Kirstie felt tears springing to her eyes. "What's wrong?" Mitch asked, going pale once again.

"Nothing, Mitch. Nothing, I'm just- they're happy tears." She wiped the water away from her eyes.

"Well, that doesn't make a sense. If you were happy, wouldn't you smile?" He said, confused.

"Yeah, it doesn't. But there's people for you, Mitch. We don't make sense." Mitch nodded.

"I suppose I understand that. There's been a lot of emotion these past few minutes." "Definitely." Kirstie agreed.

She glanced at her phone again. "Jesus Christ, we have five minutes left." "Hmm? Jesus? That sounds like a country singer."

"It's just some guy. He created a religion." She said, not wanting to go into the details of Christianity five minutes before her wedding.

"Alright, we have to line up." Mitch followed Kirstie, and saw that all the bridesmaids were, in fact, flirting with the boys.

The bridesmaids lined up, the groomsmen to their right. Well, except for Mitch, he wanted to go alone.

Light music started, and the sound of a harp orchestrated throughout the synagogue. Jeremy's family was Jewish, and Kirstie didn't care where it was held.

Two by two, they walked down the aisle, and Mitch walked down second to last. Olaf ran through the isle before Kirstie emerged, being led by both of her parents.

The ceremony was quite beautiful, and many tears were shed. Mitch still didn't really
get why.

They wrote their own vows.

"I, Kirstie, swear to you, Jeremy, that I will always love you. You've stayed with me no matter what, and I will forever be grateful. I know that if anything stands in our way, you'll gladly karate chop kick it down. Not to be cliché, but I will love you in sickness and in health, but you know I'll never obey your ass. I dunno whether I'm supposed to say that, but I won't, just so ya know. Capisce? Cool. Anyway, you make me so amazingly happy, and I feel so lucky to have you."

"I, Jeremy, promise to try my best to make you happy, Kirstie. I'll make sure to always treat you with respect, and love you until the day I die. I didn't really plan vows that long, but, um, I love you. A lot. And it's awesome we're getting married. Yeah."

The reception was held outside, where Kirstie ditched her heels for flats, and changed out of her white gown and into a black dress.

Other than a couple people getting a little too drunk, and a problem with light rain, everything was going well.

Kirstie was talking to long lost family, people she didn't really know. Just the smell of her Aunt's perfume was making her gag.

Her Aunt and Uncle were asking Mitch questions that he didn't really know how to respond to.

"Why are you wearing a dress?"

"Why do you not know any of Kirstie's other friends?"

"Why are your nails yellow?"

But still, things were running smoothly. Until Kirstie was in the middle of explaining why she kept her last name, and spotted Scott standing around the buffet.

"Excuse me." She said to her relatives, not waiting for their reply. Kirstie stormed over to Scott, who just realized she'd noticed him.

Mitch followed close behind. "What the hell are you doing here?" She asked. "Well, I heard you were getting married, and-"

"No, Scott. You're the one that stopped calling. You begged me to let you talk to Mitch, then suddenly you're just M.I.A?" She said, not caring about the people staring at her.

"Kirstie, my- my mom passed away."

Kirstie immediately forgot everything previous and grabbed Scott into a hug. "I'm so sorry, honey. I'm so sorry."

Scott smiled, but still felt the sadness in his heart. The emptiness. "Can you tell me how it happened?"

Scott sniffed. "She got in a car accident. Some asshole was drinking, that's really all I know." Kirstie nodded.

"I get it. I'm still annoyed, but I get it. I forgive you, okay? Not for cheating, but I totally forgive you for not calling." Kirstie stood on her tip toes to kiss Scott's forehead.

Scott faced Mitch, who had been observing the whole thing. "Your mother died?" Mitch asked. Scott nodded sadly.

"That's very unfortunate. I apologize."

"Thank you, Mitchy. So, how are you?" He said, taking a step towards Mitch. "Me? I'm okay, how are you, uh, what's your name?"

Scott's face fell.

"Scott. You called me Sandra. I was your boyfriend, we broke up a while ago." Mitch stared at him blankly.

He stared at his blond hair, styled to the height of the sky. He stared at his clothes, a deep gray suit with a green tie. He stared at his eyes, the shining blue color. He stared at his lips, which were once on his own.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember you."

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