The Truth

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All of it was falling into place. When the man told her, "you are a secret too " he must of known that Vallery was Autumn's grandmother. I literally AM the secret, she though. But how did he know Autumn was related to her? She was getting a weird felling, what am I supposed to do, she though to herself while looking outside through the car window, They want to know the secrets but I  can't tell them, she must find a way to escape before its too late!
Once they reached the warehouse, yet another time, they pulled autumn out of the car into the room and locked the door. She needed a plan fast, she though for a while and then suddenly an idea popped into her head! She realized that they never check on Autumn late at night because they are asleep, therefor that would be a great time to try and escape! It's a risk though, she said to herself, if she gets caught, who knows what they would do to her. It's better to take the risk than not to do anything at all.

At one a.m, she broke the handle on the door which took a good 15 minutes, and then quietly tip-toed downstairs, she was shaking like a stick because she didn't want to get caught. Finally, she reached the front door. As she put her hand on the door, she heard the floor creek right behind her. She turned around slowly, and right behind her, was the man. The man asked her in an angry voice "what do you think you are doing?" Autumn replied stuttering, "I d-dd-ont k-kk-now" the man said "mess up one more time..." Autumn was frightened, what has she done!?

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