The Vision

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A blinding white light flashed before her eyes.
~ a women in a long, beautiful dress, comes out crying because something happened to her husband in the woods, everyone rushes to see him. The sight was not pleasant. There was bright red blood everywhere. The man was obviously dead but they wanted to know what caused his death, not even his wife knew. They ordered investigators to come out immediately to try and help. The report came back and what they heard was surprising. The tree that the young man was leaning agents had a very powerful poison on it causing his death. The poison was call Autumazery. The only question they have was,  how did it get there? That question was never answered. For the next few years the women tried to figure out the mystery. She went  mad and killed herself in the woods where her husband died. Reporters say that the Women's name was Valery and that she now walks the forest as a ghost. Before she died, she had a child and named it Karen. Karen grew up and had a child and named it Autumn. People now call this "the secrets of the forest" and only one person knows the true secret. And it is you Autumn. "Do not tell anyone or you and our family will be cursed until the end of time" said the voice ~
Autumn gasped and raised her hands to her face pressing them over her mouth. "What just happened?" She though. The two men were staring at her, confused, they asked her, "why are you looking at us like that?" Autumn replied, "oh I'm sorry" the two men whispers to each other, moments later they were back in the car driving back to the warehouse.

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