#29 Locker emergency bag

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I'm currently crying. School starts very soon and I'm not ready at all. So where I live school starts August 31st. Be prepared for more back to school post.

🍂 So a locker emergency bag is basically a school survival bag you keep for any emergencies you can possibly have 🍂

🍂 Try to find small packages of whatever will be listed below to conserve space in your bag 🍂

🍂 What you'll need 🍂
Lip balm
Makeup remover
Oil absorbing sheet
Hand sanitizer
Hair ties
Hair brush/comb
Bobby pins
Small snack
Full outfit
A decent size bag or plastic bin
Band aids

🍂So once you have everything I highly suggest putting things that go together in sandwich bags🍂

🍂Once everything is organized put it all in your bag/bin 🍂

🍂If your clothes or anything else doesn't fit in the bag that's fine. Just keep it on top or next to the bag in your locker🍂

I really suggest you guys in using this. I put my things in a makeup bag and just kept the clothes under it.

P.S I really want to do a Q & A on here and in YouTube. Please give me questions. It could even be random. If you have any tutorial in mind that you want I will gladly do it!

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