How you meet (Jackson)

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Jackson: How you meet Jackson was not the best way to meet someone. You were walking down the hallway in school when you bumped into someone. All of your books fell and as you bent down to pick them up a foot stepped on the notebook that was in your hand crushing your hand along with the notebook. 

"Listen here nerd. You really need to watch where you are walking." Jackson said. And with that he took his foot off of your hand and pushed all of your books down the hall. He had your drawing book in his hands which held all of your drawings including one that was a drawing of him. 

"What's this little nerd? Your drawing book? Well guess what not anymore." He then started to rip out all of the drawings and tearing them in half.

You started screaming,

"Hey quit it those took me a long time to draw!" But he just kept on ripping them. After he was done all of the drawings were in pieces. 

"Oops...looks like there are no more. Oh well," and he throws it into the trash can. Everyone around you started laughing, so you start crying. 

"Aww is the little baby going to cry over some stupid drawings?" Just as he finished his sentence the bell rang signaling that lunch was starting. You just sat there crying because he ripped up the drawings. You picked up all of the pieces and got your book out of the trash can and ran outside to the place that you normally sit at during lunch.

As you sat down you tried to figure out what pieces belonged to which drawing. As you were piecing them together you noticed that one drawing was missing. The drawing that your mother drew of you before she passed away. Your mother passed away about a year ago and today was the day that she died. The drawing was the only thing that you had left of your mother. The night before she died she wrote a note on the back.

But little did you know that the pieces of the drawing dropped out the book while you were running. And wouldn't you know Jackson finds the drawing and reads the note on the back. After he finished reading it he realized that he shouldn't have done what he did. So after a whole period of you crying, you hear the bell ring again signaling that the next period is starting, you had to go to your locker to get your books for the next class. When you get to your locker you noticed that Jackson was standing at your locker holding the drawing.

"Hey I found this and I thought that it might be yours," He says. 

"Thank you," you say quietly.

 "Your drawings are amazing and I never knew anyone could draw that good. I now know where you get your talent from." 

"Why did you read that, that note was personal!" you basically yell at him. 

"Hey look here you don't have to yell at me, I know what you are going through." He yells back at you. 

"NO YOU DON'T. YOU DON'T HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHAT I'M GOING THROUGH!!!" You yell back at him with streams of tears running down your face. And with that you run out of the school. But little do you know he follows you.

As you come to the graveyard where your mother is buried, you find her grave and collapse onto it and continue crying. Jackson found you on your mother's grave crying. He kneels down and takes you into his arms. 

"You don' don't under....stand," you sob out. 

"Shh its ok. Its ok I've got you. Go ahead and let it all out," he says and you do.

A/N: I am going through all of my preferences in this book and I am fixing them. So I am reading Jackson's and I realized that, that does not sound like Jackson at all. I am so sorry about that!


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