How you meet (Theo)

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Theo: You have known Theo since you were kids. You were really close to Theo. You were a lot closer to Theo than Scott was closer to Stiles. So when Theo left Beacon Hills you were very, very upset. The day that Theo left was the most depressing day of your life. You went home and ran upstairs to your bedroom and cried. You didn't get any sleep that night.


Several years later

It was your senior year of high school. Next year you would be going off to (the college of your choice) and you would be far, far, far away from Beacon Hills. You were currently at home doing your AP Biology homework while jamming out to some Twenty one pilots. You heard a sound coming from downstairs. You turned down your music and started panicking because you were home alone and you didn't have anything to defend yourself with. So you grabbed the first thing that you saw in your room, which was a hairbrush, and started downstairs. As you were creeping down the stairs, you saw that a light was on in the kitchen.  You slowly crept towards the kitchen, when you heard footsteps coming toward the kitchen door.

You raised your hairbrush in the air, prepared to hit whoever was coming out. The person came out and you hit them on the head. 

"Oww what was that for?" said a voice that sounded very familiar. 

"Scott is that you?" you said. 

"Yes its me who else do think it is?" 

"I thought that there was a robber in the house." 

"Y/N you know that that would never happen." 

"Scott it could happen. Just next time please make yourself known so I don't almost have another heart attack Ok?" 

"Ok. That really hurt what did you hit me with?" 

"My hairbrush."  You went back upstairs to finish your homework. 

The next day

You get up very early to go on a morning jog. You get up at like 5 am. You started running around Beacon Hills. You were running near the woods. You were running past a bridge that had a little river underneath it. As you were running past the bridge you saw a figure standing on the bridge. You decided to get a little closer to see who it was.

When you got closer you saw that it was Theo. You pinched yourself and rubbed your eyes to make sure that you weren't dreaming. You wanted to run up to him and hug him but you saw that he has something in his hands. You looked a little closer and saw that they were flowers. You then remembered that his sister had died there.

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