Getting Ready To Dance

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(A/N: ok so in this fanfic, Melanie never went to boarding school and Sam also has 2 older brothers, Jordan who's 2 years older than Sam so he's 17 and Michael who's 1 year older than Sam, 16. A little bit of this is based on popupoppy's story 'blood is thicker than water' which is really good and you should read it;) and so for the parts that are similar, I give credit to her but my plot is completely different from her's just so you know, thx if u bothered to read this)

Sam's POV

I woke up to a thundering sound and a flash of extremely bright light. I yawned and opened my eyes, I sat up in my twin sized bed and crawled to the window. I slowly opened the curtains, "a storm" I mumbled to myself happily. I went to my closet and pulled out my rain coat and rubber boots, just as I was about to pull on one of my boots I heard a familiar, annoying voice "what do you think you're doing?" I turned around to see Melanie still twirled up in her blankets as she is every night, this time her eyes were open looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "I'm going outside to dance in the rain" I said looking anywhere in the room we shared that weren't her eyes, she thought it was childish and irresponsible of me to do that. When we were younger we would always dance in the rain with my brothers Jordan and Michael but once Mel and I turned 10 she decided that she was too old. I think she needs a little "help" considering the year we turned 10 was the year we moved to Seattle where it rains ALOT, before Seattle we lived in California, before there Nashville and before there, New York, the place I was born. I still dance and sometimes I'll end up convincing Jord or Mike to come out too. Sometimes I just wish I was 6 again, back then Melanie and I were close, sometimes Jordan would ditch his friends to play with me, Michael never had the amount of homework he has today so he would always talk to me about simple things like how I was feeling, why I was feeling like that and then he would always tell me that he would always be there for me. He still does and I love him for that, but back then I had it better with my mom too, my mom didn't drink as much then since she had 4 kids who were too young to take care of themselves, and she never used to abuse me since if I got hurt she would be the one spending money.

I don't like to talk about my dad, in fact I hate talking about him, especially now. My dad left my family when I was 4 and when he was driving away from his problems with my mom he got hit by a drunk driver, that was it and he was dead. It hurt to think that my dad just left us without any 'I love you's or 'I'm going to miss you's and sometimes I wondered if he planned for the drunk to hit him so that he would never have to come face to face with me or any of my family again but recently my mom decided that me and Melanie were old enough to know the truth. Apparently the guy who died was my stepdad, my real dad left us the day I was born. He showed up at the hospital and everything and was fine when he thought that my mom was only having one kid, he held Melanie and loved her, I was born 10 minutes after which I hate since whenever I have a problem, Mel offers advise and starts off by saying "when I was your age..." and then she proceeds to tell me what she did 10 minutes ago (I got this off Tumblr or something) but anyways, my mom told me that when I was born my dad didn't even bother to hold me, he looked at me for second and left. After my mom told me that I started to always feel responsible for the reason my dad wasn't with the rest of my family anymore and I guess that's why my mom hates me and shows it by being so abusive towards me. I've never told Carly or Freddie about either of my parents or how I'm the reason they're not together because I don't want their pity or lies about how it's not my fault, I already know that it is and the truth can't be changed.

At least when I was 6 I didn't know I was the reason for my dad leaving. "Sam it's just past midnight and this storm looks like it'll be here a while, go back to sleep and then you can go outside at a reasonable hour." Melanie stated starting to close her eyes again, 'whatever' I thought, I finished dressing for the rain and snuck out of the room which wasn't very hard since Mel had just went back to sleep. I walked through the hallway making sure to avoid all the creaky floor boards and quietly opened Jordan and Michael's door just wide enough for me to slip in. Jord and Mike have to share a room just like me and Mel, Jordan has a king sized bed and Michael has a queen sized, they also have a foldout couch that they sometimes fall asleep on together when they watch movies. Tonight they're both on the couch while a horror movie quietly plays on the small TV about 10 feet away from them. I go up to them, crouch and start whispering loudly "Jordan, Michael, Jord, Mike, J, M, Jordy, Mikey, J man, M dude, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michae-" I was cut off by my 16 year old bro.

"Sam" he whispered quietly. "What is it?"  I smiled sweetly, pointed to the window and begged. "Puhleassssssssssssse" He sighed, rolled his eyes, smiled and whispered back to me "fine, but you gotta wake him up then" talking about Jordan "sure" I said cheerfully. I went on the couch and jumped on top of him. Considering the amount of food I eat, I'm actually pretty light at about 80 pounds while most of the other girls at my school are usually 95 at the lightest. I decide to wake up my oldest brother by doing the same thing I did to him when I was really little. "WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!" I yell excitedly, bouncing up and down on his chest. He still had his eyes closed but I knew he was up because his deep laugh gave him away. "C'mon, get up, it's raining" His eyes open immediately. "Oh it's raining, well I know how you get with that so you want me to dance with you don't you" he says with a smirk on his face. "yea, you, me and Mike" I answer, I hate it when his sentences sound like something you would say to a little kid and I don't notice until after I reply but this time I don't care, whenever it rains I can't stop smiling. "No Mel?" He asked his smirk barely fading but still noticeable. "No, she still thinks that I'm too childish and that I should just let it go and stop doing it." I say my smile fading a little too. "Ok, well don't listen to what Mel says, you just keep dancing in the rain like a crazy person till people think you need to go to a mental hospital, promise?" he replies seriously. I get my full blown smile back "promise" I agree, I give him a big bear hug, he stands up and tosses me over his back like a sac of potatoes. "Hey, put me down!" I laugh. "I can't, I need to get outside with you before you break that promise." 'Will I ever get to old, start to care about what people think of me and break that promise?' I sadly think to myself not wanting that to ever happen.

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