To Ohio

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I woke up at 5:45 for my flight. I turned to my side and saw Luna sleeping right next to me. I kissed her forehead gently in hopes she would wake up shortly. I went to the bathroom and saw that Calum, Ashton, an Luke were up and they didn't look happy.

"How in Gods name could you bring home a stranger and let her sleep with you!!!" Said Luke.
"Yeah your lucky she's not some creep" said Calum
"And don't you know we're leaving today and it's not like she can come with us." Said Ashton

"Actually she is coming with us and last night we went on a date and we are in love" I responded quickly. The guys had disbelief in their eyes. I couldn't tell if it was because they found out she was coming to Ohio with us or the fact I determined we were in love by the first date.

I quickly showered and when I got out I saw Luna brushing her hair into a messy ponytail. I said good morning and she smiled. We packed everything up and headed to the airport. We only got stopped by a few people but after that we got into our seats Luke, Calum, and Ashton sat in one row and me and Luna sat in another. The take off went smoothly and then the food came through. We ate some pretzels and peanuts and got some ginger ale to drink. When we landed there was a crowd waiting outside the gate. Our body guard met us and pushed the crowd away. We got in the can and unpacked. After we all were ready we went for dinner. We got some burgers and me and Luna went for a sunset walk. We sat by a lake and I put my arm around her. As soon as the sun set I kissed her softly, it was short but sweet. We went to the hotel and went to bed. In this hotel she had her own bed in a separate room so we kissed goodnight and she went to sleep. I stayed up for a while playing call of duty until I fell asleep on the couch.

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