5 ▹ Welcome World

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Taryn and Malia spent the next eight minutes talking, mostly Taryn explaining about what was going on with Stiles in a more in-depth explanation. She explained her past with the Nogitsune, cringing as she skipped over all the killing she did, only telling Malia that the Nogitsune will kill people for it's enjoyment. Nothing seemed to faze the werecoyote, Malia had, after all, killed her own family.

It was odd to know Malia was a supernatural creature, although it wasn't a shock to her either. She was possessed by a creature no one believed in; because, just like Malia, Taryn wasn't fazed by the werecoyotes secret.

After a good twelve minutes, the girl on the floor started to move her hands more and before either female knew it, Malia broke free from her restraints. Even though the light brunette was still wobbly on her feet, she didn't think twice about moving and helping Taryn escape from her own restraints. The Haldol was slowly leaving her body, and that's how Taryn knew Oliver gave the coyote a large dose.

Once Taryn was on her feet, with the though of him in her mind, she walked over to Oliver body. He was passed out, with a black bruise forming on his head where Stiles--or Nogitsune--had hit him, and blood was dried up around it. She moved away from the sleeping form of the psychotic boy, and maneuvered her way to the gaping hole where the dead man laid.

She quickly grabbed the torn photo off the ground where Oliver tasered her and Stiles, before carefully tugging the sword off the dead Nogitsune. She hoped this could help someone by helping Stiles; she remembers seeing a sword much like the one that was draped over her shoulder, with Noshiko before they parted ways. Maybe she could hand it over to the women, or maybe her daughter. Either way, Taryn hoped it'd save Stiles.

Slowly and surely, they exited the basement and together sneaked off from the psycho section, and finally making it back to their level. Malia and Taryn dogged any orderly that they saw, if they hadn't noticed her, Stiles, Oliver or Malia's disappearance, then they would for sure notice the large katana around Taryn's shoulder.

Somehow, both teens knew where they were going. Somehow, they knew the therapist from previously knew Stiles better than either of them. Somehow, they knew Morrell would help them.

That's how Taryn and Malia found themselves walking in Miss. Morrell's office. The two brunettes closed the door behind them, blocking them from view from the outside and held hard faces. They knew, to get out of the hell-hole, the two would have to be forceful and demand what they wanted.

The dark skinned women sighed, spinning around in her chair, facing the females. "Taryn, Malia." Morrell knew something tragic had happened, especially when Taryn willingly entered a counseling office. She was known for refusing help, and Morrell knew why--anything that involved Taryn in the past three years was bad, and Morrell cursed herself for believing the girl. "Did the Nogitsune escape?"

That's when Taryn knew for a fact that Morrell was the one who warned Stiles to stay awake or she'd kill him. When Stiles explained why he had to stay awake, Taryn didn't question it, now Taryn had her answer. She also had the answer about if Morrell knew Stiles better than a patient at Eichen House.

"Yes," Taryn squinted her eyes at the women, her voice dripping with anger, "in Stiles, and that's why I need to leave." Taryn clenched her jaw remembering how Stiles had changed quickly into this evil monster that kills people for his own amusement. "Now!"

Morrell didn't say anything, she only stared at Taryn. Something about the teens willingness to run back into the life she left behind, caused Morrell to worry. She feared this is what the Nogitsune would want.

Finally, the women nodded and motioned the two to follow her from her office and down the hall where their belongs laid (which Taryn only had an old raggedy jacket that wouldn't even fit her anymore), which gave Taryn time to sign the dismissal papers, as she waited for Malia to put her backpack on.

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