8 ▹ Kanima Venom

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When Taryn woke up the next morning she expected to be bombarded with questions from one of the McCall's or even Kira. Yet when she walked into the kitchen that morning she realized little Yukimura had left and both Scott and Melissa carefully trudged around the topic of her nightmare. If Taryn could explain the tension, it would be awkward. With the McCall's sending the female soft looks like she was a child, she grew irritated.

But as the morning went on, Scott cautiously explained to the brunette how they could potentially save Stiles. However, Taryn argued against the plan. It was Scott who decided in planning to bite Stiles--turning him into a werewolf--because one can't be a fox and a wolf. It wasn't that Taryn thought it wasn't going to work--she did--it was just that if Stiles didn't want to be a supernatural being, why force that on him? Taryn also knew that the bite could possibly kill the host, which sickened Taryn at the thought of Stiles being dead.

And as Taryn argued with Scott, the Alpha finally stopped the flying words and calmed both Taryn and himself. As he calmed, he recalled what Noshiko had told Taryn. With how she could save Stiles, because she'd done it before. So when Taryn grabbed a bowl of cereal and begun eating, Scott perched himself on the counter to talk civil to her.

"Noshiko said you could help," Scott inquired. He knew that if Taryn was against his plan, maybe he could make one up with the girl who knew more about the dark fox than any of the other teens. "You think you can get Stiles free?"

It was something Taryn had thought about throughout the night. She racked her mind for different scenarios about how she could defeat the Nogitsune. Yet only one scenario would work.

Taryn Brooks had to be seized by the dark Japanese fox. Somehow, she had to let the Nogitsune think he was winning, she had to let him follow through his dark plans with her. She needed to let the Nogitsune take over her body.

Taryn took deep breaths as she felt herself start to panic. Every memory of being with the Nogitsune flashed over her eyes. Anytime she remembered that evil creature she only saw the darkness that followed. She never thought she would willingly allow the Nogitsune take control of herself again; but she didn't want Stiles to die, she didn't want to only boy who understood her be ripped away by the same creature that took so much from her.

As she recalled all this, she finally answered Scott.

"I might," she answered, her voice shivering in fear, "I don't know. I just don't think any of you would like to hear it."

Scott started to open his mouth to say something, when Melissa came over and tapped his son on the shoulder. She gave him the look a mother gives when they want their child to stop. Scott McCall sighed at the look and got off the counter and exited the room, going to sit himself on the stair case.

As Scott listened in on his mother and Taryn, he felt chills run up his body.

"Something's wrong." Taryn concluded as she kindly cleaned her cereal bowl for Melissa McCall. What Taryn was speaking about how ever since she left Eichen House, she has felt a certain chaos swarming her like a pack of flies. But since Taryn had woke up this morning, everything felt calm. Almost normal, actually.

Taryn wouldn't admit it, but she could feel herself leaning towards Scotts' mother. If it wasn't for last nights activity, then it was because this was the first time Taryn had been near another mother and the orphaned girl wanted the feeling of having a mother again. And for Taryn, it was Melissa.

Melissa raised eyebrows at the sudden interaction. "What do you mean?" 

With a sudden inhale, Taryn explained to Melissa how she felt that since Eichen House. She explained how she knew bad things were here, but the feelings were gone. And once the explanation ended, Melissa took a few breathers and paced around the room before leaning against the fridge to face Taryn.

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