We'll talk about this later (Chapter 5)

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Sorry about the late upload guys.... THis story isnt very popular and therefore isn't the number one story to be uploaded often :( If it becomes more popular I'll update sooner so VOTE COMMENT AND SPREAD THE WORD!!!!! Thank you to my dedicated fans :) You're all amazing! This might be a page... from now on I will try to upload faster but with single paged chapters....


Cam arrived about 10 minutes later. It turned out splitting up was a stupid idea considering Cam was the one who had the car keys. So it was just me and Aaron. Outside in the heavy rain. Not talking after our heated kiss. EXTREMELY awkward.

Aaron's voice was muffled by the heavy rain, ''Where is that idiot? What's taking him so long? Moron...."

I sighed knowing Aaron was back to his cold, uncaring self. What was his problem? One second he'd by mean and rude and I'd hate him and the the next second he'd be all sweet and understanding. Adding in his good looks and how he thought he was more amazing and smarter than everyone else created a big ego. Now he kidnapped me for $2,000,000 and had this crazy plan of stopping in 4 cities just so he could..... well like I said, I don't why he needs the money or what its for. And now I have a crush on him.

A crush on my kidnapper.

A crush on the person who really didn't give a crap about me unless he got his money.

A person who honestly seemed angry and hostile all the time.

And a very good kisser. Not to mention my first kiss.

I rolled my eyes. I had such rotten taste in guys.

Cam jogged over to us and speed walked to the passenger door. He tugged it open but (of course) it didn't budge. He looked up and the realized that a glaring Aaron and a shivering me were watching him. He looked confused.

"Why are you guys standing here?"

"What's it look like idiot? We're locked out! Open the car."

"Aaron! Don't call Cam an idiot."

"I'll call Cameron whatever the H* ll I want."

"Now thats just rude. You can't just go around yelling names at people." I said.

"Shut up already Katie! Nobody cares what you have to say. I don't get what your problem is!" His voice started lowering as he neared the end of what he was saying. "mind your own f*cking business..."

I was about to shoot back a retort when I realized what he'd said to me. He was acting like I was the bitch here! You'd think after a kiss that we had shared like that.... I don't know. Things would be different. He'd be nicer to me. Or more considerate. Take your pick.

But no, sadly he had not changed and was still as mean as ever. Once again, I was left to try to be strong and not cry in front of Aaron and Cam. Sometimes I wondered why I let them kidnap me. I know self defence. If I wanted to get rid of them, especially since they were amateurs, I could have. But I didn't. And now I'm stuck. Was getting an adventure really worth it? Worth being yelled at and sick of? Should I just turn them in? I knew the answer right away.

I coudn't judge Aaron or Cam yet. So far we'd basically escaped for 3 days. That's hardly enough to get to know a person. Especially a crush. Maybe it would turn out that they were actually the good guys for kidnapping me and tell me what was wrong. In a couple of days they could be all right. I could also learn if Aaron truly did have an ounce of goodness in him. If he didn't, well then I guess I didn't have to worry about my crush. If he did though, everything would become a little bit more harder. And things were hard enough already. Only time would tell.

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