I used to be I N V I S I B L E !

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Not really quite sure whether this would be a chapter or not, but oh well, YOLO! Ew, I did not just say that...


I stood, twirling my newly blonde hair as I watched the owl fly towards my window. It flew through the open window, dropped a letter in front of me and then flew off again. I picked up the letter.

"EMMA!" I yelled, running to the kitchen. She turned, and I waved the letter in the air. We both sat down at the table and stared at the letter. It was from Hogwarts. This was it. This was the moment that I found out whether what I have been working hard on all summer has paid off. Slowly, I opened the envelope, took the letter out and read it.

Dear Miss. Gardiner,

Your request has been accepted. Your name on the register has been officially changed. You are aware though, that many students and professors alike, will think you are a new student. You will not be resorted, but I wish for you to come to my office as soon as you arrive back at school, as I wish to speak to you in person. The only other person who has been told, is your head of house. I look forward to seeing you again in September, Miss Harper.


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Headmaster of Hogwarts.

I looked up at my aunt, grinning.

"He said yes!" I jumped up and gave her a hug. She laughed and hugged me back.

Just before the summer holidays had started, I received the news that my parents had died. I cried for weeks, but then I just snapped. I had had enough of myself. I changed my personality and my attitude. Everything reminded me of my parents, so everything had to change. The first step was to change my name. But the big problem with that was, although I had legally changed my name, my school did not know that, and if they didn't let me change my name whilst at school, my whole summer would have been a waste.

"I'm going to go show Hanna!" I told my aunt, leaping up to go and find my cousin. My family had all been very supportive. Especially my cousin. Before, I was quiet and didn't really talk to anyone. I had no friends and I bet no one really knew who I was. I was weak. But now I feel much stronger. Physically, too. To be honest, though, I always was quite well physically fit, but I just never showed. My cousin, Hanna, took me shopping near the start of the holidays. I always used to wear baggy and too big clothes. Now my wardrobe was full of clothes which, in Hanna's words, will show off my body to its full potential. I guess people always just assumed that I was just flat chested and a little bit chubby. In reality, I actually have quite a good body. It's something I have always been quite proud of. I just never let anyone else see it.

That's not all Hanna helped me with. She also helped me with my confidence levels. I was no longer shy. She taught me how to talk to people and to make people want to talk to me. Hanna was even the one who helped me with dying my hair. Even if it did go terribly wrong. That was a good thing, though, I suppose, because it helped me discover that I was a metamorphmagus. We had been attempting to dye my hair red, but it ended up bright, fire engine red, instead. I wished that it wasn't that colour, and suddenly it had changed back to its original colour, therefore discovering my powers.

 I never would have even discovered the full potential of my powers if I was still that weak, shy person that I was a few months ago. I used to be invisible. But now I feel like a whole new person. I am a new person. I am Logan Harper.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2013 ⏰

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