Sebaciel (Black Butler) {Truths}

408 16 13

Anime: Black Butler

Pairing: Sebastian X Ciel


Ciel: I want tea.

Can someone get the boy his tea?

Sebastian: Allow me-

Nah, Juan's got it. (I'm not trying to be racist)

Juan: *Hands tea*

Okay lets start.

Sebastian: I wanted to get Bocchan tea...

Ciel: Well you didn't, can we please get moving? I have a bloody mess of paperwork at home.

What do you each smell like?

Ciel: What kind of question is that?

A good one.

Sebastian: The Earl smells of tea and cake.

Ciel:... I don't know *Smells Sebastian* Like old spice? And... *Takes another whiff* Ca- cat's *Sneezes*

Sebastian: I'm sorry my lord, I saw him this morning and just couldn't help it. His small little ears and tiny paws-

Moving on. If you had one hour to do what ever you wanted to the other, what would you do?

Sebastian: Well first I'd *Beep* then I'd *Beep* and *Beep* him, until *Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*


Sebastian: Didn't they tell us not to hold back?

Ciel: Well yeah but-


Ciel: I'm skipping this one.

You're not allowed.

Ciel: But-

Sebastian: Young master, I believe it would be faster if you listened.

Ciel: I dunno... Cuddle, and- and eat cake..? *Blushes furiously*

Sebastian: *Internally nosebleeds* That's adorable.

Ciel: I am NOT adorable!

Yes you are :3

Ciel: Lies!

Sebastian: Everyone agrees that you are adorable, young master.


Sebastian: Yes my-

Please don't

Ciel: ... Fine...

What does Sebastian do on his days off? 

Sebastian: I wasn't informed that I had days off.

Ciel: He's bound by a contract, he doesn't get days off.

Sebastian: I think I'd like days off.

Ciel: Absolutely not!

Sebastian: Do the other servants have days off?

Ciel: Well... Yeah...

Sebastian: Well that's not fair, now is it?

Ciel: You're a bloody demon! You don't need days off!

Sebastian: Well I don't see the the fact that I'm a demon makes it any different.

Ciel: You-

Do you love each other?

Ceil: I wasn't finished!

Sebastian: I think that it's obvious that we do.


If there was one thing you could change about each other, what would it be?

Ciel: I hate you all.

Sebastian: Nothing, really.

Ciel: I'm leaving.

Sebastian: Young master-

Ciel: Sebastian we're leaving!

Ciel: *Leaves, but takes an entire cake from the buffet table with him*

We really made him mad...

Sorry for how short it was. The next one will be a dares so look forward to that. Also, don't forget to request! ^.^

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2015 ⏰

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