Zoe's p.o.v.
Rose is really sad about not being able to see daisy.
I think I can fix something up for her to see daisy.
Our grandma lives in New York.
So when everything happened with Rose getting kidnapped my dad and daisy flew out to my grandmas house.
Peter got his own apartment because he said that this house was to much drama and stress.
My mom is still here in town but she's always working.
When she's not working she's not home.
She's usually at someone else's house.
So that leaves me and Rose alone to live for our own.
"Rose how about we go visit daisy at grandmas house?"
She looks over at me as if I was crazy.
"I'm serious." I say looking at her giggling at her expression.
She climbs over to me laughing.
"I think it'll benefit both of us."
She looks at me and smiles.
She runs up stairs and in like 2 minutes she's back with my mac book.
"Do you have your card with you or is it upstairs?"
I look up from my laptop and say.
"Its upstairs in my wallet in my bag."
She nods and runs upstairs again.
She comes back down and she hands me my entire wallet.
As i'm paying the plane tickets Johnson walks in through the door.
"Hey seems like your feeling better zoe?"
"Yeaaah. Thank you so much for the starbucks." I say taking my focus off of my laptop screen looking at Johnson smiling.
He walked over to me handing me my starbucks and then he walked over to Rose giving her starbucks.
He then plopped down next looking at my laptop screen.
"Your leaving?" Johnson asks with a worried expression.
"Johnson its just to go see daisy." I say looking at Johnson sipping on my starbucks.
"I feel like your doing this to get away from Jack and his drama." Johnson says sipping on his starbucks also.
"Aahh well you see Johnson I am also doing this for that reason. Our flights in 2 days so it'll be quick, easy , fast."
"You and Rose leaving?"
Johnson asks with a sad voice."I would take you but its going to be like for 1 week while we're there. But we're coming back I promise." I look over at Johnson and ruffle his hair.
"What if gilinsky asks for you?"
Johnson says looking at his cup."Just say you don't know.
That today when we faught you left right after he did. Say that you thought that I needed some alone time. And that when you came to check on me the next day I wasn't here." I say scrolling through my tumblr."Did you have this planned before thats genius!" Johnson says laughing.
"Nah just that when i'm mad I think of the best lies." I say shrugging my shoulders.
Gilinsky's p.o.v.
I needed a way out to stop thinking about zoe.
So I contacted my close freind Jace knowing he just moved here to L.A. from Omaha.
"Aay Jace bring some good shit with you and get your ass to my house we are going to turn the fuck up."
"Party at Gilinsky's house?!" Jace asks sounding excited.
I have history for my partys.
"Fuck yes!"
"Ight let me invite some peoples and bitches. We going to tear this shit apart!"
"Alright bye."
This is payback to zoe for getting
me pissed.