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   That is  Linda

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I stood up walked towards her when my cousin stopped me. she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her." uh hi " she said. " hi?" I replied back to her. "sooo where are you going" she asked me. " I was going to go talk to Linda "I said pointing at little Linda.

she seemed a little nervous once she heard the name. " uh well why don't you uh.. um ... maybe talk to to me ... yeah ,yeah talk to me un why not" she fumbled with her words.

I looked at her weird, like what wrong with her. "what about I didn't want to talk to you and I wanted to talk to Linda instead" I said.

she looked around nervously avoiding eye contact. " why are you acting like this all weird and shit" I said. " you know Emily was acting the same, what are you guys hiding? what are you not telling me ?? what so wrong about her?" I asked getting impatient with her .

"nn-o I-I-I j -ust thought you know w-e could uh catch up haven't seen each o-other in a while" she stuttered out. "ok then lets talk but I want to talk about her so spill it tell me everything you know about that girl. I said pointing at the little mysterious girl.

she looked at me " fine ok , it not like your going to let me go till you get it out of me anyways". she sighed. " her name Linda-" I stopped her.  " yeah I know that already" I said. " let me finish first then all the question at the end" I nodded my head and let her continue.

"she is 8 , she moved her like about a year ago or so give or take, she moved here with this guy that no one messes with and you shouldn't either got it I mean it joce, know you anything possible" I just nodded my head. " anyways he is dangerous , ruthless and heartless, he will do any thing and hurt anyone that stands in his way-".

I interrupted her " but why does she have all those bruises and scratches-" . " Jocelyn let me finish, question at the end or else I'm not telling you no more" she told me and she continued. " his name is Matthew and always-"

" his name doesn't even sound that scary oh come on you got to be kidding me, why is he like that though, what whore broke his heart and what did she do that he ended up like this?" I looked at her " I mean right that could only be why he so aggressive or whatever?" I asked well thanks a lot you stupid dumb bimbo now you are getting everyone killed and hurt asshole. I thought to my self.

Marie gave out an annoyed sigh but I cant help it so many unanswered questions." I honestly don't know maybe I should ask him next time he comes over for some tea and a good shag" her face was burning red. "look there is no need to get defensive and embarrassed about the guys you do it with, I mean I am not the one to judge" I said.

" no you idiot there is something called sarcasm, anyways what did I tell you before names and looks could be deceiving,  he takes his anger and frustrations out on her that all I know well beside him hating her guts" she said with pity.

"and by anger and frustrations what do you mean exactly" I asked getting upset. " what ever he feels like and desires to make him feel better". she said disgusted and looked at the little girl. I turned to look at her too.

I seen she was on that wanna be zip line shit and as she was about to let go someone grabbed her and pulled her back. I couldn't see their face but you could tell it was a guy he was about 6ft tall. I didn't like the feeling I was getting I know something was gonna happen. I knew that, that was the beloved Matthew everyone was so found of... not . someone would have to be crazy for that to happen. Then it felt like everything stopped and went slow motion.

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