Chapter Six: Confusions and Confrontations

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I gasped as Bianca's words hit me like a ton of bricks. That was the reason N had looked so familiar! I had seen him before. Fought him before even! I couldn't believe it. N was the King of Team Plasma. Team Plasma, if you didn't already know, was an evil organization that convinced trainers to either release their Pokémon back to the wild, or have them taken away by the Team Plasma grunts, and it was all out of the fear that trainers were abusing their Pokémon. They believed trainers were not letting the Pokemon live their lives the way the Pokémon actually wanted to. I guess I understood their beliefs, but the way they were approaching the problem was wrong. Of course there were going to be bad trainers, but not all of them. In fact most of them were not bad trainers! To take a happy Pokémon from a happy trainer was what they were really doing, and that...that was wrong. If they wanted to approach the issue of bad trainers, they should have done it differently. Way differently. All they were really doing was convincing good trainers that they were the bad trainers who didn't deserve Pokémon companions. Luckily, Touya, Bianca, Cheren, and I stopped Team Plasma, but that didn't change the fact of what they had done. We hadn't seen any activity in Team Plasma since our stopping of it, but Arceus knows what they could still be up too.

"Yo Touko, you still there?" Bianca chuckled, bringing me back into reality.

"Yeah, I'm here, Bianca, sorry."

"No need to apologize, I understand there must be a lot going on in your head right now."

"Yeah," I sighed, "there really is. I just wish-" then I paused. "I wish I wasn't in the position I am in now. Not only did I run away from my long-time travel buddy slash best friend, I became acquainted to a Team Plasma member! The King for that fact! I just don't know what to do anymore. I kind of just want to ignore the fact I know he's from Team Plasma, and continue having a friendship with him, but at the same time, I would just love to just slap his face silly for even thinking of helping me. Then, there's Touya, another whole story. You knew I used to like him too, right?"

"No! I didn't know that! When was that?" Bianca asked flabbergasted at the information I was leaking out.

"When we were a whole lot younger. I had a mega huge crush on him. It's been quite a few years since then, but it's not like I still don't have some feelings for him. I never expected him to like me like that, let alone love. The reason my crush on him started to fade had to do with the fact that I realized what I'd be doing to our friendship. A friendship I very, very much depend on. Right now, all I want is for him to sit down and talk with me, but I can't. He may very well be in this same building, but I just can't bring myself to find him," I confided in Bianca.

"Touko, how about you go to bed? Or just lay down and think for a while. I can already tell you've made up your mind, so I'm not going to tell you what you should, or shouldn't do. You're the most intelligent person I know, even compared to Cheren! I know you'll know how to make things right for yourself and for your friends," Bianca spoke calmly.

"Thank you, Bianca, that was really helpful. If I could give you a big hug right now, I would. That means a lot to me, really, so thank you," I smiled.

"Well, I'm actually more just trying to go to bed myself," Bianca yawned, "but I did mean what I said."

"Mmmmhmm. Good night, B," I sighed contently.

"Good night, T," she yawned again. I hung up, only to find myself already laying down on the nice bed, fast asleep.

I woke up the next morning listening to the chirping of the Pidove by the room's window. I felt good. Strong. Even a little hopeful. I just felt wonderful. In fact, I felt so good I danced as I got changed out of my nightwear! As I walked out of the room, all of my belongings now in my bag, on my way to the cafeteria, there was even little skips and hops to my steps. I made waffles with the accessible waffle maker, and made a tiny little smile out of strawberries and bananas. That waffle was my spirit Pokemon, you know? It was happy. I was happy. The world was happy, and I had no clue at all why I felt like I was on cloud nine.

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