Ms. Jacqueline the Ripper

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Disclaimer Notice: Hello again everyone! I hope you will all love this new story I'm im the process of finishing up. Be advised that expletives will be used and graphic images are present in this book. Happy reading^^

A man was killed, his throat slashed, organs taken out and his eyes were stitched closed. On his chest was a note which was permanently digged into his flesh. It read, "Bitches (". The police were baffled and horrified, some were vomiting, some found a little dark humour in the message while some chanted a prayer for the victim's safe travels into the afterlife. That's when the detective came in on the scene.

Police Sergeant: Oh! Detective! You're here.

Unknown Detective: What do we have here?

Police Sergeant: Yet another bizarre murder sir. This one is the most bizarre of all so far though.

Unknown Detective: Oh yeah? Wow... alright, lemme see the damage.

Police Sergeant: Yes sir.

The police sergeant brought the detective to the crime scene and when he saw, the detective simply on... His face was straight but everyone knew that his stomach was twisting up because of the sight he was beholding. He slowly bent down to get a closer look.

Unknown Detective: This is inhumane... but it matches the other murders.

Police Sergeant: You sure sir? Because the other murders aren't as gruesome as this one.

Unknown Detective: Positive. Take a good look at how the throat is slashed. It's in the same fashion as the others. Everything else is new though. I see our little killer has taken an interest in Jack the Ripper now.

Police Sergeant: Sir... do you think we can catch the perpetrator?

Unknown Detective: Sergeant. You lead these men, you should always be positive so that they can be motivated to do their best. A leader who doesn't believe in himself and his men is but a fool. You guys finish up here after I take some pictures. I expect some data tomorrow.

Police Sergeant: Yes sir!

As the detective walked away into the misty 1am night, a police officer walked up and asked the sergeant, "Who is that man sir?" and his only response was, "that man is the ace in our hand, Mr. Richter Allen." Richter Allen, a lowly detective who's not even noticed that much among detectives let alone the entire police force. But this man may just be the key to solving the murder mysteries and ultimately catching the killer.
The following morning Richter was found in his office with a beer in his hand pondering on the clues that this murderer left behind in the wee hours of the morning. Jake, his partner, asked him why is he here when he should be enjoying his day off as he usually does but Richter said nothing. Richter's eyes were fixed on the pictures he took and as he examined them with such intensity, he finally noticed Jake's presence.

Richter: Ah! Jackster! How long were you there?

Jake: Enough to kill you dead. You've been up all night looking at those pictures. This isn't like you at all.

Richter: Yeah well... I have a case to solve and this time, we got a lead. Look at these.

Jake: Hmmm... Ugh... Rich you trying to make me upchuck the breakfast I had this morning??

Richter: Focus on the message that was carved on his stomach.

Jack: Oh right right... "Bitches"??? with a smiley face? What is this person? A teenage girl?

Richter: Bingo...

Jake: So you're saying that the killer is a woman?

Richter: Damn right I am.

Jake: ..... I think you really need some sleep man. You're tired.

Richter: Jake you don't believe me man? Come on... Which person would leave that??

Jake: Ever heard of the Una Bomber? Computer hackers especially? They leave weird messages behind but they were all males... A chica wouldn't do such a thing Rich!

Richter: So you don't think that a woman can kill like that? Jake, when you and your wife were having an argument... what did she use to threaten you?

Jake: .... A shovel.

Richter: Need I continue?

Jake: Bitch...

Richter: Jake, it's bothering me. Look at how neatly the organs were removed: heart, liver, lungs, pancreas... This person pretty much left a hollow shell behind!

Jake: ... The message. What do you think it means?

Richter: She's taunting us. But whoever did this, it's a surgeon by profession.

Jake: You have a point. But you know what we need to establish first right?

Richter: Motive and relation to the others.

Jake: Right.

Richter: So far the only relation we can draw is that all the victims' throats were slashed in the same manner: from right to left. Unless...... Jake, I'm gonna have a little experiment...

Jake: ....

Richter: I'm gonna read all the autopsy reports on the other victims cause maybe we missed something vital.

Jake: Richter... get some rest first before I have to end up calling the paramedics. You act as if you lost a relative!

Richter: cousin. He was murdered at 1 A.M this morning. His throat was slashed, his organs removed and something was carved on to his stomach...

Jake: Richter... I'm sorry to hear man.

Richter: Heh, it's alright. At least you know that it's personal now.

To think that lowly detective is now behaving like he's a first class detective is something Jake has never seen before. He's good but was never this good before and he was always lax. Jake knew that he had to help his partner out no matter what now because shit got personal real quick. Richter spent the rest of the day locked in his office, reading autopsy after autopsy as if he was a lawyer. No one heard from him that day until the next day, Jake and probably the rest of the police force will get a discovery of a lifetime.

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