A Holy Backlash (Part 2)

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"Of all the people it could be, why her? I just don't get it!" Jake thought to himself as he drove down the road to the precinct. He just could not grasp the gravity of the accusation that fell before him. Could it really be her? If so then how is it that she is so friendly and caring towards Richter? But most importantly, how could she have forgotten to take up such an important clue after committing the atrocious murder??? It just doesn't make sense. "I'd expect it to be someone else, but never her... I'm gonna get to the bottom of this once and for all, for Richter's sake!" He thought with such resolution.

At the precinct, Jake scoured the building for her but she was nowhere to be found. He asked the other detectives and but none had seen nor heard from her. Coincidence maybe? Jake called her via his cell and the police phone (which no one is allowed at any point in time). He rang, and he rang, and he rang... but no response. He was getting worried, not because she has just proved to him that she's now a prime suspect in these strings of murders but because of the possibility that something might have happened to her. Sounds pretty soft for a detective I know, but when it comes to people whom he cares about, that's Jake for ya. Getting antsy Jake went for the door but before he did, something caught his eye.

Jake: Hm? What's this?

He noticed that it's a letter. The person who wrote it didn't specify who its for nor did it say who it was coming from but it offered a hint.

"Give unto Caesar what's Caesar's."

"The fuck is this?" he thought to himself in a state of loss. Jake sat down order to process what the note meant. Richter would have been the perfect person to go to in situations like this but he's out of commission. So his best bet was to ask the Commissioner. He slowly made his way to the Commissioner's office and was given the permission to enter (after knocking of course).

Commissioner: Ah, Jake. How may I help you?

Jake: Sir, take a look at this note.

Commissioner: Hmm... I.. have absolutely no idea.

Jake: You've got to be fucking kidding me here!. Are... are you sure sir?

Commissioner: As sure as I can be Jake. Although, this appears to be some form of code of some sort.

Jake: Yeah no shit Sherlock...

Commissioner: However the best person who'd be able to decipher it's meaning would be—

Commissioner & Jake: Richter.

Commissioner: You seem to understand the situation clearly.

Jake: Yes sir. Oh and another thing. Sylvia, have you seen her?

Commissioner: Yes I have. I sent her on leave recently.

Jake: On... leave?

Commissioner: Yes. It seems that Richter's limbo seems to have been a heavy weight on her shoulders. Especially since she was a part of the surgery herself... Her mental state was clearly unstable and so I gave her permission to go on leave.

Jake: I see... Thank you sir.

Commissioner: Jake.

Jake: Sir.

Commissioner: I suspect that you're suspecting her of something yes?

Jake: ...

Commissioner: .... As long as you have solid evidence then I will allow it but be warned that failure to do this will..... have sanctions and you know them.

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