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Hey Ya'lllllll! Wassup 😴 I'm Brianna, but ya'll can call me Bri! I'm 16 and go to Summers High School in LA. I dance, and sing. I used to model, but got sick of it. 😕 My bestie is Taylor, she mah main beetchhhhh 🙈😍 My mom and dad died 3 years ago 😢 And now I live with Taylor. 😝 I have a younger brother Jayden, but he lives in Atlanta with my Grandma. 😌 I have a well... Bully. His names Chresanto. 😠 I. HATE. HIM! But the thing is, Chresanto and Taylor are kinda a thing. 😔 So he's always at Taylor's, I mean, our house. My birthdays on Friday...!!!! *Its Wednesday* 17!!! TURN THE FUCK UP! 😈 Haha... Um. That's enough of me. Bye ya'll 🙈 Take it away Tay. 😘😂

Thank you Bri Bby! 😂😘 Well, my names Taylor, but ya'll can call me Tay. I turned 17 yesterday, only 4 days difference between Brianna! 😝💯 Ya'll probz know already but, Bri's my main Bish 😍🙈 I have a boyfriend... Chresanto 😍 I just love him... His plump soft lips... Abs... Muscles... Hugs... Kisses... The way he works it in the bedro- Woahhh lemme stop 😳 Um... Haha... 😄 Anywhores, I go to Summers High. I live with Bri ❤️ My mom and dad split up, and I got my own house. Or should I say Mansion. 😏 Haha. But yeah, I think that's it. Your turn baby 😍

Thanks baby guh 😍 I'm Chres, I've just turned 17. Um, I've got a girl, Tay. 😏 She bomb in the bedroom tho. Hah! I live with my dumbass dad who doesn't give two shits about me. I hate Brianna. I'on why but I jus do. She a hoe! I bully her, but Tay doesn't know. Um... Yeah that's it. Bye fuckahs. 😴

A/N: I'll put up photos of them all in the 1st chapter! 😘😍

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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