Part 9

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There's no way to describe how the next few days passed for you. "The best days of your life" might be one way, but that was too cheesy for you. You spent time with Tao, and he brought you to more monuments, shopping districts, etc. You hung out with the other members, and they kept you laughing constantly. It was bliss.

It's one morning when you're eating with your grandparents that you are reminded of something that you had been trying very hard to push out of your memory. Your grandmother seems hesitant as she turns towards you. "So," Your grandmother starts. "You're leaving in seven days."

You freeze, and slowly look up. A week? Seven days? Had you really been here for twenty days already? The last day was meant to be for the plane ride back, and so, in all honesty you weren't even in China for four weeks, but 27 days. Your grandparents seem slightly uncomfortable at reminding you of this; your grandmother even apologizes. But you smile it off, saying it's fine and that it's good to be aware of these things anyway. She still seems unsure, but you excuse yourself from breakfast happily, and walk to your room. In reality, you were trying not to run to your room too quickly, or trudge there too slowly. 

You were planning on meeting Tao today, he wanted to show you yet another favorite place of his (he had a lot) but just then you get a call from Tao. "I'm so so so so so sorry!" He starts off the conversation like this. This can't be good. "But it turns out that I'm really busy today and I swear I'll bring you there some other time. I'm really sorry."

He actually sounds very apologetic and cute, so you forgive him easily. But now you don't know what you'll do for the rest of the day. Or rather, what mood you'll be in for the rest of the day. You're about to turn on your computer again when suddenly the doorbell rings. Well it can't be Tao... you immediately think to yourself.

You swing open the door and your jaw almost drops. Luhan waves at you and Lay gives you a smile. "Hi..." You greet them. "What are you doing here?"

Luhan looks at Lay (you keep forgetting to think of him as 'Yixing') and they share a thought, it seems. He then turns to you and says, "Well, actually, Tao told us not to hang out with you..."

"What? Why?"

"Maybe he's jealous." Says Yixing, with a teasing smile. 

"What?!" You start to ask, but Luhan stops you.

"Lets go! We'll hang out with you today since Tao's busy. He did tell you that he's busy, right?" You nod slowly and then Luhan bows at someone behind you. It's your grandparents. Yixing bows too in greeting. They're very polite and you introduce your grandparents to them. They smile and then greet them in return, then tell you that you can go and have fun. You smile at them, and say goodbye. At least you would not be at home on the internet once again.

You ask Luhan where he intends to go, but he just shrugs and says wherever. It's not a clear answer, but they seem to want to surprise you which you're perfectly okay with. They have a car outside the apartment and Luhan drives. When he stops, you see that you've arrived at an amusement park. It's the same one Tao had brought you to just days ago. Weeks ago. It feels nostalgic, but also strange. You feel as if you should be here with Tao, not Luhan and Yixing. But nonetheless, you step out of the car and follow them in. Luhan looks a little fidgety, he even jumps around once. He tells you that he doesn't like roller coasters; apparently it was Yixing's idea to come.

Almost expected, Yixing points to a roller coaster he wants to go to, Luhan vigorously shakes his head, but Yixing makes him go on it anyway. And you too. 

You thought about it for a second and realized that you aren't too fond of these kinds of rides (they made your stomach feel sick) but going with friends was fun. You still feel a little empty because Tao had cancelled the outing you two had planned. But here you were with two other members of EXO-M at an amusement park, and you made the quick decision to enjoy yourself as much as you could. You finally take a good look at these two today.

Luhan's hair is dyed once again. It's now a bubblegum pink color and he's wearing a very casual, long-sleeved t-shirt and black jeans. Yixing looks casual as well, and has a light jacket and sunglasses. They would have blended in perfectly with the crowd (well maybe not Luhan and his pink hair) had they not been the people they are. There were people with their phones in front of them, the sound of cameras could be heard. But Luhan and Yixing ignored it. They waved to fans once in a while, but they walked right on by without being too bothered by it. They must be used to it already, you think to yourself.

You board the first ride with them (yes, it's a roller coaster). It's not a long ride, but whenever there were sharp turns and sudden falls, which was a lot, Luhan was scream and Yixing would yell "WHOO!" You laughed and screamed with them, and then the ride was over. Luhan was shaking and laughing when you got off the ride, and then he hit Yixing on his arm (in a friendly way) and started saying "Why did you make me go on that!?" You chuckle; they were acting like kids.

You three, in the next few hours, went on several more rides (including more roller coasters and a spinning tea cup ride, which you've always wanted to try). You all decide to take an ice cream break and Yixing says he wants to pay. He asks you what flavor you want, and you reply with chocolate. Luhan says that he'll also take chocolate, and in the end, all three of you are sitting on a bench eating chocolate ice cream. You ask them how their works been and they start telling you all about rehearsals and such. 

When all three of you are finished, Luhan offers to throw away the napkins and trash. You thank him and he walks away. While he's searching for the nearest trash can, Yixing whispers to you, "It's almost Luhan's birthday." Your eyes widen as you mouth the words, "Really?!" and he nods. He invites you to come to the party that they're going to have, and you agree. It's to be tonight, which probably explains why Yixing suddenly wanted to hang out with you and Luhan.

You nod and give him a reassuring smile. Of course you'll go. For your friends.


Later that night, you arrive at the building where his party is supposedly to take place. There's a lot of fans there, and guards. You're not allowed to bring a camera inside, so you have to turn off your phone as well. Yixing finds you through the crowd and waves hello, but there's too many fans for you to actually stand close to the members. You watch their celebration and you feel part of it. It's a great feeling, like you're actually going to a fan event just as a fan. Full of honor? You think to yourself. Maybe that's what you're feeling.

You look at the members that are there at the party (not all of them showed up apparently) and you see that Tao isn't there. He must be really busy, you realize. You smile because you forgive him so easily. When had I ever become like this? It's a weird feeling.

Much, much later, you arrive back at your grandparents' apartment and they ask you how the party was. You tell them it was a lot of fun. Just then, your phone vibrates and you see that it's a text from Tao. It says "How was the party? Sorry I couldn't make it :("

You're about to text back when suddenly your cell starts ringing. It seems he's decided to call you instead. You smirk a little, then pick up. "Hi," he starts with. He sounds exhausted. He asks the same question, then pauses and says sorry for calling instead. You laugh, forgive, then tell him how it went. It's a cheery conversation and then there's a silent pause once again. He quietly says, "I don't know...if I'll be able to meet up with you again...for the next...week."

Your eyes widen. "But I'm a week."

"I'll find a way." You blush (and then thank the world that he can't see you through the phone). The way he said that is a bit...embarrassing. He catches on too, and is about to say something about it, but you hear a voice from the background on his line, and he tells you that he has to go. He promises to talk to you soon and you say bye too. Then you hang up.

With one last tiring thought, you think to yourself, It's sleep on it.

You were asleep before your head hit the pillow.


NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR A.K.A. MEEEEEEE: Happy Luhan Day!!! (130420) :) I hope you like the story, thank you for the votes and everything! As a fairly new writer, I'm honored **bows**

[EXO FANFIC FOR TAO] CoincidencesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon