Wanna Save Your Heart Tonight

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AN: This is the second chapter guys :) hope you like it.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE vote/comment/follow. I really need to know if you people like my writing otherwise I don't know whether to upload but I think the two comments and one vote on the last chapter count as enough for me to upload this one so THANK YOU!!!

~Kat x


Harry's POV

"So have you found anyone special yet Harry?" The interviewer asked me. We were just coming to the end of yet another long and teadious interview and of course they had come to the relationship questions. I sighed.

"Nope not yet, I'm still looking for that one special person." I replied, putting on a fake cheery smile.

"And is it definitely true that you are infact gay?" The seriously nosy interviewer proded.

"Yes it is." I answered bluntly, trying to convey the message that I really didn't want to talk to her about my sexuality or love life.

"So what is it that you look for in a guy? And why do you prefer guys to girls, why are you attracted to them?" The interviewer continued. She was really starting to get on my nerves and I think the rest of the boys could tell, as they were glaring at the interviewer and giving me silent support with their eyes.

"I don't really have a type of guy, just someone that I click with or feel connected to, I guess. And as for why I like guys, it's not like a piece of computer programming that can only happen in a set way. I used to be attracted to girls but I guess over the years I've just gotten used to hanging around with more guys than girls and I've learnt to confide in boys more and it just got to a point where I feel just as comfortable with guys as I do with girls, although I don't fancy girls anymore." I explained, trying to remain calm and not jump out of my seat and strangle the woman.

"Ah I see." The woman nodded, seeming to understand. She then smiled at us and turned to face the camera. "Well that's it folks. Now everyone give a round of applause to the one and only One Direction!" she said gesturing to us. We all smiled and waved at the camera until we were given the all clear signal and we relaxed a little.

"I'm hungry." Niall whined, no more than thirty seconds after the camera had switched off. We all turned to him and gave him a weird look.

"Niall, you only ate just before the interview." Liam told him.

"But Li-Li, I'm starving." Niall pleaded, putting on his best puppy dog eyes and sticking his bottom lip out. He moved closer to Liam and placed his hand on Liam's thigh, gently carressing the inside of it. I saw Liam tense and go bright red, his adams apple bobbed up and down as he gulped in nervousness.

"Okay Niall, we can get food. Just stop touching me in public." Liam gave in and Niall cheered, jumping into Liam's lap and flinging his arms around the older boy's neck and burrying his face into Liam's shoulder.

"Thank you Li-Li, I love you." Niall murmered but loud enough for us to hear. Liam chuckled and embraced Niall back, kissing his hair lightly.

"I love you too, Nialler." he replied. I smiled in awe at the cute couple. Niall and Liam had been dating in secret for three months now, only me and Zayn knew about them, not even management knew. I looked away so that they didn't get uncomfortable with me staring at them but I noticed Paul walking over to us and I cleared my throat to get their attention. They broke apart smiling and turned to acknowledge Paul.

"Good job guys. I just wanted to let you know that you have the rest of the day and the next few days off, so go enjoy yourselves." he told us, a broad grin plastered across his face and then he strode off.

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