But I Can Be The One To Make It Better...

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AN: Heyyya peepss!! How's everyone??? Good I hope.

Anyway I am so happy with the response and support I am getting for this book, it is incredible so I have been working my ass off to write this part and update as soon as possible :)

I hope you guys like this. I know a lot of you said that you wanted some Alex action so I hope I have quenched your thirst, or atleast given you a little teaser....

The name of this part actually is from the song Keep You - JLS!! I decided that since JLS are breaking up that I would do this one for them because I was actually a JLSter before I was a Directioner. JLS got me into music and boybands so I technically owe them for me being a Directioner because if I hadn't been a JLSter I doubt I would be a Directioner. Besides JLS were an awesome group and I am sad to hear that they are splitting up, I will miss them :(

Anyway I hope you enjoy,

Please vote/comment/follow

~Kat x


Louis' POV

"Louuu?" Harry's voice rang through his flat. I was in the sparebedroom reading a random book that I had found in Harry's bookshelf. It was three days later and I had got back most of the movement in my legs; they were less saw and they allowed me to atleast hobble around the flat and I could now change clothing on my own, which in my mind was quite an achievement.

"In the spareroom Haz." I called back as loudly as I could. My torso was still quite saw, especially when I tried to raise my voice too much. I heard footsteps on the stairs and a moment later Harry's figure walked into the doorway.

"Lou, we've been through this. It's your room, so call it that." Harry sighed as he walked in and came over to the bed, perching on the edge of it and turning to face me. "How do you feel this morning?" he asked me.

I thought for a moment before replying, as honestly as possible. "I feel better; less like an old grandad. My arms hurt less as well."

"Well that's good." Harry beamed. He studied me for a moment and then his eyes flicked down to my clothed torso and his face became serious. "What about the bruises?" he asked quietly. My own happiness faded at the thought of my still battered chest and I looked away.

"I don't know." I mumbled. Harry lent forward and placed his arm on my arm, rubbing it up and down soothingly. I turned back to him and smiled and nodded, silently telling him he could check. I got the message and his hand moved to the front of my top, where he gripped the hem and slowly began to lift the material up. I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to see anything. I felt his hand brush over my stomach and torso, although it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would and I only winced a couple of times when Harry's fingers skimmed over a tender bruise. After about thirty minutes Harry pulled his hand back and let my top fall back into place.

"They are looking better." Harry stated suddenly and my eyes snapped open to look at him and I found him smiling. "They are still there but they look better."

"O-okay..." I stammered, finally feeling like I was on the mend.

"It's almost lunch time. Do you want to eat?" he asked me. Over the last three days I had gotten used to being able to have food when I wanted it so I didn't hesitate in nodding my head, which in turn caused Harry to smile, which was another reason why I agreed; I hated seeing Harry sad or upset so I did everything to make him happy.

"Sure." I spoke and he grinned and then got up, extending his hand to me to take. I gripped it and hoisted myself up and then walked with him down through the flat, hand in hand. The rest of the band were lounging around on the sofas, Zayn was on his phone, texting and Liam and Niall were snuggled into each other, Niall seemed to be dozing on Liam's chest while the Wolverhampton lad and his arms around the Irish boy and he was smiling contently, planting a small kiss into the blonde's hair every so often. Even though it had been three days since I moved in here, my heart still melted everytime I saw the cute couple doing 'couply' things.

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