Chapter 16

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I sprint off towards the conrucopia and start to slide on the ice . I lose my footing and go falling face first onto the ice . I lift my hand up to inspect the damage and find a fresh dark red blood which means my nose is broken . I get up and continue running towards the knives that I spotted earlier when I feel a sharp pain in my leg . I look at my leg and see an arrow sticking into it and a few yards away I see the girl from district 2 . She shoots another arrow and I duck the keep on running towards the knives .

I finally reach them so I pick one up and flick it in the direction of the district 2 girl . It pierces straight through her heart and she falls to the ground dead . I run over to the girl and take a backpack off of her and the bow and arrows . I go back towards where the rest of my alliance are and see that they are all standing panting , the bloodbath is over and the bodies of dead children lie on the ground . I feel like I'm going to vomit when the cannons begin . I count 6 in total , six innocent children died today .

We all start rummaging through the supplies that are left and find 16 backpacks and loads of weapons . We split the supplies up evenly so I get a sleeping bag , night vision goggles , 2 packs of dried up meat , matches , socks and my knifes and bow. We are all really hungry after the bloodbath so we get out some bread , dried meat and crackers which seems like very little after I have gotten used to the Capitol meals .

After eating all of the food I slide into the sleeping bag that I am sharing with Carter while my mother lights a fire. I stare up to the sky when the death count comes on the faces to appear in the sky are: 

The girl from 2

The girl from 3 

The boy from 5

The girl from 7

The girl from 9 

and The boy from 10 ( remember only 1 tribute for each district!)

I cuddle up close to Carter feeling his body heat warm up my freezing cold body as I slowly fall asleep.

Rye's sitting beside me and I become extremely happy. " How did you get here?" I ask with a giant grin across my face.

" I've always been here Willow waiting to show you THIS" he says pulling a small black bomb out from behind his back .

" This small bomb killed me Willow , You killed me Willow!" He say throwing the bomb towards me. My vision becomes blurred and the words keep replaying over in my head . ' you killed me Willow ' The words keep replaying until the only word is ' Willow '

My eyes snap open and see my father hovering above me. " Come on get up Willow " He demands and I jump to my feet packing the sleeping bag in my back pack as I start to run . The whole group of us are running from something , I take a chance and look behind us . I see a lizard type thing crawling along the ground hissing and showing its razor sharp teeth . I slip on a piece of ice and end up down on the ground with the mutt crawling closer to me. I tightly shut my eyes and wait for the pain to come , it doesn't . I open my eyes a little to see my mother with a worried look on her face and behind her the lizard with an arrow stuck in it's eye , lying dead on the ground . Beside the lizard I also see wiress lying on the ground dead with claw and teeth marks spread across her body , I gasp at the sight and my mother embraces me in my arms .

Small tear slides down my face because Wiress just risked her life for my own . All because I wanted to see what we were running from , maybe I should have died because it was my careless thinking .

" maybe you should get some sleep Willow?" my mother suggests and I look up at the dark sky , I forgot it was still night time. I shuffle back into the sleeping bag and close my eyes hoping that I won't have another night terror. My eyes close slowly and I fall into a dreamless sleep with Carter at my sleep soothing me. 

" Well my family is pretty wrecked " I hear Lucius say as I flutter my eyes open and see everyone in a small circle chatting to each other . " I live with mom and uncle , my father died when my mom was pregnant with me , he was killed in the  75th Hunger Games " He says and I see my moms eyes open in shock as Lucius caries on his story . " Poor Cato , he was ripped to shreds by Capitol mutts"   to this my mother begins sobbing because she was the one that shot the arrow throw his skull to kill him faster .   Lucius looks confused to my mothers reaction as he obviously hasn't heard this side to the story but we decide it's best if we don't tell him.   

I pack up my sleeping bag and join the rest of my alliance and listen to what everyone's lives were like back in their district .  The most interesting story is Haymitch's as he tells us about his life before the games. 

" I was in love ( that's hard to believe , someone being in love with Haymitch huh? )  with my beautiful girlfriend and when we heard what would be happening for the 50th hunger games we became even more nervous for the reaping " Haymitch sighs " When I was reaped she was devastated and I promised to come back for her . I always keep my promises so I did come back and we got engaged and 2 months later we found out she was pregnant with our child . The night after we found this out Snow told me that he now owned me and I said that I wasn't going to do anything he said . Snow snuck into our house and killed her in her sleep along with the rest of my family , my mother , father and little Alline my 9 year old little sister . I went into depression and didn't move for months that was until my mother offered me some wine . The thing was that without the wine I would go into depression again so I just stuck to it and here I am an old alcoholic" Haymitch says as the tears flow down his face and I here a beeping noise above us .

We all look up and I see a small silver parachute on top of the cornucopia so I climb up and bring it back down to my group . It has a small tag at the side saying that it's addressed to Haymitch so I hand it over to him and he opens it up. It contains a small picture of a young looking Haymitch and a girl with long brown hair that I presume to be Remile , his true love .  Along with the picture there is some bread and a small bottle of wine with a tag saying ' I'm sorry for your loss ' 

We all eat the bread and Haymitch drinks the small bottle of wine before facing me and saying " I will always protect you sweetheart , promise " I smile and I hear quietened chatting coming from beside us . I get out my knifes and everyone else does the same with their weapons. 2 tributes  ,  a boy and a girl come running towards us and my mother shoots an arrow which lands in the girls heart . The boy keeps on running towards me and he flings his axe but I feel frozen to the ground . Haymitch dives in front of me and takes the axe in his chest as Carter throws his spear at the male from district 1 . The boy dies instantly and Haymitch collapses at my feet . 

" NO , HAYMITCH PLEASE STAY WITH ME?" I scream as the tears start flowing down my face like a waterfall . I cradle his head as my mother comes to look at his wounds . " Please save him?" I sob and my mother sighs . " Willow this is beyond repair " She says softly . 

Haymitch begins to moan and his very last words are directed to me " I promised to protect you " He says as he gasps for air " And I always keep my promises"    His eyes flicker shut and his body goes limp as the cannon rings through the arena . Haymitch Abernathy lies dead in my arms . 

A/N - sorry for this chapter its a bit uddled up , I had writers block :(    I feel like crying right now I loved Haymitch sooooooooo much and he died tryig to save someone that he loved but now he can be with his true love up in heaven :'(      

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Emma :D :)

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