Chapter 10-jealousy part 2

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Marshall's p.o.b
I flew us to his kingdom through his window he jumped down and ran to his closet
Omg omg omg what to wear what wear is all I heard gumball you can be such a girl sometimes
I teased him he poked his head out with a slight blush and pout on his face I do not he protested
I smirked sure you don't  he glared at me mumbling something what was that he shook his head smirking
Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about he spoke with a.different tone in his voice which I did not
Like one bit what are you thinking about I thought while slitting my eyes at him he smirked wider liking how
Confused I was I growled wipe that smirk off your face before I do it for you he just said whatever and walked away chuckling what is he hiding I would of read his mind but he said thats invading his privacy and if I continue he wouldn't talk or have sex for a week a WEEK!!!so I'm furious maybe I can read his mind with him noticing so that's what I did when he wasn't watching I read his mind Marshall lee ABADEER no sex for a week!!!! He looked pissed off I groaned
I'm not talking to you but I will tease you starting now he walked away obviously swaying his hips
I groaned this is gonna be a tuff and long week especially if he gonna be a flirt and tease I thought about the day before and was trying my hardest no to get a boner but it didn't work I had a huge!!tent in my pants ugh  think about your mom stripping and calling you daddy yep it went back limp gumball walked out with a silk white long sleeve shirtshirt that pressed to his abs showing them off instead of khakis he wore tight looking black pants with black shoes and a hot pink tie he did this on purpose I was immediately turned on he walked passed me his hand slightly touching my crotch I moaned he smirked while walking into the bathroom he came back out with his hair brushed down identical to mines
He looked at me with lust in his eyes then walked out damn gumball and his sexiness I groaned now I was
Hard again I walked out after jerking off I walked to the ball area and saw flame prince talking to gumball I growled
I watched from a distance to prove gumball that I'm not over protective gumball smirked up at flame prince flame prince smirked to they shooked their hands as if agreeing on something I leaned on a wall bored as fuck then Fiona approached me she had on a white dress that stop above he calf with no straps her hair was pulled into a messy bun she  had blue eye shadow on white heels and her breast were poking out she looked sexy I stared shocked for a while till she Cleared her throat sure I smirked she smiled out of the corner of my eye I saw gumball looking ~jealous~ i grabbed her hips she placed her hands around my neck I whispered in her ear hey don't freak out but I'm dating gumball she looked shocked okay you like I grimaced for a quick second flame prince right she blushed yeah well let's make them jealous I read fp's mind he likes you but is forced to marry my gumball which I won't let happen so she asked so gumball being a
Ass he teaseing me I broke our deal now he says no sex for a week won't talk to me and he teases me a lot would he normally wear what he'd wearing she looked over at him but stared for a bit to long
Nope she awnsered  so will you help sure she pressed her body close to me laid her head on my shoulder and said oh
Marshall you're so cute she said in a fake voice but no one noticed gumball was glaring daggers by now he turned
To face flame prince with a smile that angered me but Fiona calmed me down
Chill bro he's only trying to make you jealous. I smirked and seducetively said I know she shivered and looked at me and glared don't get to close cakes watching you
(The gumball ball ended)
'Flame prince was still here making corny jokes but that made gumball laugh I turned invisible and floated near them so
What's your favorite ice cream flavor he thought for a minute strawberry he said cheerfully
Mines is he leaned in close to to close to gumball's ear bubble gum he said seducetively making gumball blushed okay it's time for you to go
Fine but I'll be back my love he kissed him on the cheek and left leaving a stunned gumball who had his hand to his
Cheek hey gummy he was still shocked I flicked his head he noticed it was me and turned
Back around come on your still not talking to me he nodded hugging me. What are you-but he started grinding on me I moaned quietly he ran his fingers through my hair and suddenly stop and walked away chuckling I on the other hand was glaring at him he went to his bed I followed he started taking off his clothes painfully slow then put a shirt on and
fell asleep six more days of this I don't think I can last that long i thought while looking at him sleep

A love story never to be forgotten (GUMLEE FLUFF)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora