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Okay so yall probably wondering why Ashley is here well gumball and her used to date before she met marshall so gumball is immortal he stop ageing at age 20 and marshall did to but Ashley stop at 23 so their's your explanation bye my yaio kitties
Gumball's p.o.v
I stared at my ex used to date but broke it off cause she had to move and nether of us wanted a long distance relationship so thas hw we ended what are you doing here she asked shocked what am Im doing here what are you doing here I said you are post to be at howard university I am im talking a break from what I volunteer to be a veterinarian there so were looking for the bats that escaped never mind that what ate you doing what marshall wait where he go I looked behind me where he was standing but he's not there anymore
Marshall's p.o.v
I can't believe he dated that slut I mean I did to but that's a different story he should of told me now I have to mark him I read his mind was he scared i would hurt him I woud never do that no matter how mad i am om my glob I left him in and dark cave with Ashley I flew back to my cave as fast as I could when I got their I heard moans and gumball calling my name in hushed a voice I flew to my Window and I saw ashley with no clothes on ontop on of my gumball who had no shirt on her leg was in between his legs he was moaning but it wad my name he was moaning aww he's trying to think about me okay I seen enough I kicked down the door ashley! ! Get the fuck off of my gumgum you slut!!!I kicked her off gumball and grabbed him flying away gummy are you okay y-yes he stuttered even wen he looked like, this hes still cute what wrong marsh is their something on my face he asked. While looking in my eyes. N-no I guess I zoned out again sorry its okay marshy he said sweetly then sneezed aww you sneeze like a kitten he hid his face in his hands stop he said quietly, and so pink I poked his cheek he groaned but sneezes again okay gummy butt I'm taking you home really he looked up at me yes where else would I take you I dont want to go to the castle he whined then where do you want to go I dont know he giggled leaning backwards hey whats wrong with you yoj seem like you're drunk and your eyes are dilated what did ashley give you he hiccuped umm a drink that said duff she d
Put beer in your system bubba your drunk marshy you're like a marsh mallow don't call me that what marshmallow yeah marshmallow marshmallow marshmallow ugggh guess what marshmallow ugh what I have a secret what is it I cant tell you or they might find out who's they them right there he pointed to...
Whahahahahaa im evil I gave yall a cliff hanger cuz I hate tjem and alot of people do bye love ya

A love story never to be forgotten (GUMLEE FLUFF)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora