The Move

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Mish's POV
"Alright, smol. Nice talking to you. I will text you on the group chat later, okay?" I say into the phone. Isobel and I have been calling each other every other day for about a three months now. It's been fun.

"Okay, Mish," Smol, our nickname for Isobel, says. "I wonder what wonderful group chat topic we are missing out on." She says in her beautiful british accent. It's so cute and adorable and innocent. Yet we know she's far from the last one.

"Yeah, I'll be on that chat till the day I die. Which would be soon if I don't leave my room to get food. See you later." I hang up the phone and check the group chat. So far, I haven't missed much. Only a bunch of Supernatural gifs from Hayden, or Satan as we call him, and Mikey Way pics from Ryan.

Eventually I shut off my phone and head out to the kitchen to get gushers or some shit. Something to take away the hunger. I have barely left my room for the past year thanks to that chat. But I'm not necessarily complaining. Those people are really cool (especially Satan 😏) .

"Michelle, honey, Is it really you?" She rushes over to me and gives me an overly dramatic hug. "You haven't come out of that cave for days, other than to pee or for food. But even when you do, your phone is with you."

"Oh. I'm sorry, mom. Um, I'll work on it?" My mom and I laugh. We both know I'm not coming out of there any time soon. "See you later, mom. Text me if you need me."

I grab poptarts and gushers, then head back to my room, back to my internet friends.
Isobel's POV
"Jfc, tiny. Stop." I type into my phone. Mish is posting pictures of softcore porn now. She has done this several times this week. It's her weekly theme, i guess.

"NEVER!!!!" Mish types back, along with more pictures. We are all in between the ages 15 and 17, yet Mish has no intention of stopping. But I don't necessarily complain. This is another step to go through, just so I can prove to Ryan and Hayden that I am, infact, far from innocent.

"Stg I will come over there and MAKE you stop." Hayden responds to Mish, obviously annoyed. "Even if I wanted to leave my room, I couldn't. Because my mom will look at my phone and see WHAT YOUVE BEEN SENDING."

I laugh out loud and put my phone down, plugging it into the charger. My mum calls me for dinner and I run out there, starving from missing lunch and most of breakfast.

"Oh thank god, you're out" my mum pulls me into the living room with everyone else. I look at everyone with a very confused look. "Isobel, honey, you are missing out on a lot of family business," my mum says, trailing off.

"Yeah, and? Is there something important that I missed?" I ask, squinting my eyes.

"Yes, there is. Your grandparents moved."

"What? Where to?"

"Arizona. And you're going to visit them. You are going to stay there for a while. Spend time with them."

Dinner comes after a long conversation, and I'm angry. I don't want to move. I don't want to live with my grandparents. Nor do I want to leave my friends in England.

After dinner, I sulk back to my room, unplugging my phone and sitting on my bed, checking everything that I missed.

"Kys Joe" Mish texts after Joe sends an antiFrerard  related thing.

"Guys, my parents are making me move. Wtf." I type, shaking my head at the thought.

"Oh no" Hayden says. "Where to?"

"America. Somewhere."

"But where in America?" Tiny asks.

"Idk. Arizona?"

"Really!? I live there Jfc !" As soon as I read those words, my mood brightens and a smile spreads across my face. I'm moving to Arizona.

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