Part One

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Obi-Wan Kenobi looked around the dark alley. The hood of his brown cloak up, and shielding his face from what little light the moon of the planet produced.

He crossed his arms, then closed his eyes. Meditating. Two weeks ago, he'd had a vision telling him to go the planet Tatooine, the home of his padawan Anakin Skywalker.

He'd just been given permission to train the youngling, and Obi-Wan found it very strange of Master Yoda to have him investigate the vision.

But when it came to Master Yoda, you just have to do as you're told.

The dusty planet was extremely hot, even at night. But Obi-Wan was glad for his cloak. Without it, he probably wouldn't have been able to remain in the same spot for as long.

By the time the area cleared completely, the suns were already beginning to rise. Sure, it was still dark, but the sky was starting to turn a slightly lighter color than it was.

Obi-Wan was just about to give up and head to his ship, when something made him turn. He felt a familiar presence through the force, a presence he hadn't felt in a long time. He looked back, and stopped dead in his tracks.

A person stood at the other end of the alley, wearing a similar cloak, but it was black, instead of brown. The dark figure was shorter than him by about four inches, and stood with their arms at their sides. As if waiting for something.

"Hello there. May I help you?" Obi-Wan asked, his hand pressing against the hilt of his lightsaber.

The person stepped forward, and moonlight shone on their face, revealing a white mask with gold and black tears under the eyes, and red accents above the right eye.

It was then, that he noticed this stranger was a woman. She reached inside her cloak, and pulled out a lightsaber. It ignited, and blood red light lit up the alleyway, and her yellow eyes.

She was a sith.

Obi-Wan barely had time to ignite his own lightsaber before she lunged at him, his blue blade making contact with her red one.

They clashed multiple times, the girl trying to catch him off guard, and him blocking every blow. She jumped, using the force to fly over his head, and landed behind him. She raised the ruby colored lightsaber to run him through.

He twirled around, and deflected her almost lethal attack, but not before her blade slashed across his ribs, leaving a line of blood. She jumped again, this time she landed farther down the alley.

Obi-Wan cried out in pain, but didn't stop. The wound wasn't too deep.
He gritted his teeth, jumped after her, landing four feet away from her. His hood fell off his head, and she gasped, and extinguished her lightsaber, leaving his the only light in the brightening darkness.

She turned to him, the blue light reflected in her eyes, and for a split second, they looked green.

Then, in almost a blur, she took off running. Obi-Wan extinguished his own lightsaber, and ran after her, his blood pounding in his ears. Their feet kicked up sand and dust as they ran, one after the other.

Without warning, the Sith girl stopped. Her feet slid on the sand slightly, but she didn't fall. Obi-Wan stopped as well, a little out of breath. He reignited his lightsaber, and looked at the girl, her mask glowed in the light.

Wind blew the hood from her head, and a dark brown braid fell out. It snaked to about her ribs. She stared at him, and he stared at her.

"Who are you?" Obi-Wan asked, and she took a step back.

"I could ask you the same question, Jedi." She said. Obi-Wan held in a gasp. He'd heard that voice before.


The girl flinched at the name, as if he'd just slapped her in the face. "That's not my name!" She snapped. In a flash, she ran towards him, taking out her weapon. Their lightsabers clashed once again.

She swiped at him, and he ducked, hitting her in the leg in the process. She gasped in pain and fell to the ground as blood began to seep from a wound above the knee.

Obi-Wan used the force, and moved her lightsaber from near her hand. Ignoring the pain in her leg, she lunged at him again. This time, he was ready, and he managed a hard punch to her jaw, which knocked the mask from her face.

She fell on her back, the wind knocked out of her lungs. As she struggled for breath, Obi-Wan felt just as breathless.

He saw her pale skin, her brown hair, her freckles, her biggish nose. He recognized every single thing about her face.

"Rowen! It is you!" He gasped, taking a step closer to her.

"I...." She panted, still winded. " don't know.... Who Rowen is..... But that's not me." As he came closer, she moved back, a disgusted look on her face.

"Then who are you?"

"My name is Cyril."

"Who told you that?"

"I chose the name for myself after you Jedi failed to get me from the Sith. I joined them, and when the Empire rises, scum like you will be dead!" She spat. Anger turning her eyes red.

"Cyril isn't your name. Your name is Rowen-Elizabeth. We were..... Friends. Don't you remember me?" He asked, his blue eyes full of hope.

Looking into those brilliant, wise eyes, she felt something change. Bright, white light penetrated the darkness of her mind, and she put a hand to her head in confused pain.

She looked back at him, her eyes back to their original moss green. She looked around, as if seeing everything for the first time. Her clenched hands relaxed, and the hate left her face.

An almost serene expression crossed her face. Then she saw him. "O- Obi-Wan?"

He nodded, keeping his emotions on check. All he wanted was to walk over other there and hug her. But he wasn't sure if this was a trick.

"I.... I don't understand..." She mumbled. Then, her eyes turned red again, and she fell back into the sand, unconscious.

Obi-Wan ran to her, and sighed in relief when he found her still alive. He picked her up bridal style, and made the long trip back to his ship. Thinking of the past the entire time.

Little did he know, she was thinking of the past too.

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