Rivals of the Heart ~ Chapter 4

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"Naturally high when I breathe in the trees,

And I run full steam through mother natures lungs." - Where The Wild Things Are by Bliss n Eso.


"Get up! We need to do our morning run!" I informed the sleeping stiletto that was Brad, his blanket sprawled around him, half of it gathered at the bottom of his bed. This did nothing to flatter his appearance; his brown hair was sticking out in every possible direction and his limbs where positioned so awkwardly that I was fairly certain that it wasn't comfortable.

Brad groaned into his pillow, before turning his head to the side. He squinted at the alarm clock positioned not a metre from his face, before his features contorted into shock.

"It's one a.m!"

I peered at the clock curiously, cocked my head before turning the clock around to face the right way. "You had it upside down."

Brad groaned at the numbers displayed before him. 5:21

I sighed - we were already late. "We need to get going, Brad."

"Wake me when this fitness fad is over." He grumbled, collapsing his face back into his pillow. I frowned at him, gathering a fistful of his bed linen before yanking his blanket off him. Brad yelped, bolting upwards to snatch the blanket over the bottom half of him, before he peeked under the sheets and let the cloth fall.

"Owlan!" He growled, sounding more flustered than annoyed. I smiled innocently at him, and his scowled back.

"I warned you."

"So?" Brad countered, while I wandered over to his closet and threw a random outfit at him. "For all you could know, I could have been naked under these sheets."

I rummaged through a small draw and picked up some very entertaining Superman boxers. I smirked and without hesitation stretched the elastic on my fingers like a rubber band, before letting go. The boxers hit Brads face with a fwft and I laughed at his stunned expression as he peeled them off his face.

"Somehow, I doubt your the kind of guy to sleep naked." I giggled, watching his cheeks flame as he hid the boxers behind his back.

"You are so dead!" He growled, the tone underlined with embarrassment. I smirked and high tailed it out of his room just as he jumped off his bed with a shocking amount of speed. Surprised, I raced down the stairs with Brad close behind, my pace already double that of a human athlete. Wind bit at my cheeks as my hearts beat increased, both of us out of the door and into the forest bordering the Cadets - Brad's, Kyle's and Macy's- house in seconds.

I yelped as I felt Brad's fingers brush the back of my back, causing a burst of adrenaline to race through my veins. Jesus he was fast! For a Cat that said he didn't run regularly, his speeds where extremely impressive - which was good for the Pride, but probably not in my best interests at the moment. He was bound to catch up to me easily!

"Gotcha!" I heard him cheer in triumph as his fingers caught the back of my singlet. A feeling of surprise raced through me, before I smirked. I dug my heels fiercely into the dirt, causing his body weight to crash into mine.

I was suddenly thrown forwards, face first into the ground, which was fast coming up to greet my body. I rolled at the last second, sending me spiralling further down the hill before I rolled to a stop on my stomach. I burst out laughing at a stunned looking Brad, who was lying on his back where he had run into me - covered in dirt.

Sverre stood casually against the tree next to me, as if he had been here the whole ordeal, although we both knew better. My brother had a smirk plastered on his face as he extended his hand for me to take, hoisting me up onto my two feet.

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