Really Short Introduction

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  • Dedicated to Dedicated To All Those Who Are Hurt In Any Way :)

Its real emotional and heart-warming.

Really Short Introduction-

My names 'Ugly', I'm 9 years old. I live with my 'mother', 'father' and little sister. At the moment, she's the only person that's worth my living.. Keeping me from death.

The people I expected to love me the most actually named me 'Ugly'. They showed me the meaning of 'Hate'. They made me actually understand the meaning of 'Survival'. The showed me the definition of 'Amusement'. They abused me,
*close enough to death.

I'm only 9, why am I treated like a slave?
Why am I being told I'm that dirt people walk on? Why am I so ugly? I'm having second thoughts about Death being my only saviour.

Ugly; Insulted, Abused & RapedWhere stories live. Discover now