Chapter Four: The Buring Embers,New Aventure

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AN: Hey everyone So now that the introductions are done the story will officially start here also I realized not many people are commenting I see about like 33 of you read it lol let me know if you like it or not<3 and tell me what you think should happen next and also if you wondering that guy that attacked Roesella will be back! But not in this chapter you meet another person this time :x
Roesella: W-What T^T That creepy person almost took my life!!!!
Me: yea I know :D
Me: Cause it's what all great authors do<3
Roesella: I Hate you ~.~
Me: I know ^~^ but can I get back to the story know our viewers might get board.
Roesella: what viewers xD? *Laughs and disappears*
Me: Please someone prove this MEANIE wrong (-3-)
-This song is one of the most beautiful songs I've heard in the Naruto Shippuden series Please play for emotional effect ^*^ -

-Start playing the music here-

It was in the early morning, I woke up to the sound of crackling flames and the smell of smoke I quickly got up. "W-What Is this!! I quickly go outside to see my once breathtaking forest my whole home in flames "N-No... Who would do such a thing,"
I said to shocked to notice my own tears.

"Hahaha BURN EVERYTHING TO THE GROUND MY BEAUTIFUL FLAMES" a boy said with pure hate in his eyes.
"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS! THIS IS MY HOME YOUR BURNING .. DONT YOU CARE!" I said screaming with anger sadness and hate.
"He looked shocked to see a human here but he noticed her aura and smirked" "Because I can, Miss Clearwater he laughed evilly raising the flames making my breaths even weaker.
"H-How do you know my last name" *Coughs* 'It's so hard to breath In this smoke at this rate I won't be able to to breath anymore' "Please I beg you, Stop this flame stop burning the beauty of this forest it has done nothing to you!
"You beg me Huh.." His eyes flickered with hate and smiled wickedly "Hand over your life and I let the forest live, but if you don't I will not only take the life and the beauty of this forest but I'll destroy the whole Village!!!" He laughed scarily
'No!! ... Im not going to give up' I looked at him with a serious look in my eye, "I will never give my life that is so precious to not only me but Mist and my parents up above. But I also won't let you take the beauty of this forest and the humbleness of this village ether!!"
He was in shock at my words
"MIST PLEASE COME TO MY SIDE AT ONCE !!!" I screamed with all my hope love and tears and he came to my side 3 seconds later.
"You called Roesella..?" He looked up in shock to the events that are occurring "W-What in the world happened while I was gone?!?" He looked up to find a familiar face and he glared at him "Flàre..."
"Well well if it isn't Mist are you seriously following this weak little piece of crap?" He said pointing at me.
"Why you!" He said Angrily.

I put my hand out stopping mist and stepped in front of him "I May be weak now but I want you to remember this..."I am Roesella Clearwater last remaining vessel of the Clearwater Clan and I will grow stronger and I will defeat you with my love and heart" I said with a deadly tone and look in my eye the embers Circled around me and my heart and fire where connected at one i changed a spell as both of them where dumbfounded,

Fire so bold and red, you shine brightly as the sunrise. but right now the moon needs to shine and the sun needs to sleep, so please extinguish that flame you hold so dear into the night where the stars are clear!
The flames that where once raging with anger stilled and quietly died down but everything was black and Amber charred trees remained. I fell to my knees breathing deeply 'how did I know that spell'
Flàre clicked his tongue "I'll be back for your power Clearwater just you watch!" He disappeared in black flame.
"Roesella..? How did you do that it was so cool!!" He said coming up to me
"I don't know, it just came to me but.." I look all around and looked down "I-I don't have a home anymore Mist it's been burned to the ground.."
"Well I quit school for you and we where going to leave anyways" he said smiling
"Wait.... WHAT?!?!?????!!!!!!!!! MIST! " I said Angrily
" sorry but it's not safe anymore where going to my world now" Mist said looking serious.
"Your world? Is it like this one where cell phones and technology takes over this wold?" I ask heavily.
"No there's no technology it's filled with folk from the olden days where there castles dragons evil and good and magic and bows Arrows and swords where there is no war yet there is and there princess's and kings queens and princes."
I was in awe my jaw dropped and my eyes sparkled "w-what are we waiting for lets go!!!" I said like a 5 year old jumping up and down Mist laughed.

"Well im glad your so excited to go to my world" he took my hand and and chanted a few words and suddenly the ashes and the embers surrounded up with a strong wind i closed my eyes and gripped onto Mist. After a few minutes Mist laughed. " Roesella.. You can open your eyes now" he said blushing a slight bit. I looked up to see that where in an enchanting forest with a beaming city I quickly noticed I was still hugging Mist ..
I blushed a bit, "S-Sorry!!" I said letting go of him and taking a look around to calm my steaming face. "So this is you World... Mist it's beautiful... I said looking at him and smiled brightly 'hey.. I didn't forget to smile heh.. I can smile good to know' I thought and the wind picked up and I watched as the leafs twirled around like a dance. Mist quietly watched as I took it all in.

"Well miss should we get going? The king,Queen and the prince of this country wishes to see you" he said looking at me
"EHHHHHHHHHH" I said looking shocked "W-W-W-WHY DO THEY WANT TO SEE ME" I said looking worried 'Oh my I should of brought my good dress and shoes they will think I'm so unsuited' I thought as a depression gloomy aura over took me and I pouting at a tree. Mist just laughed
"It's not everyday I- UH I mean someone from the other world comes to this world so don't worry about it to to much he said looking away AN: WHAT YOU HIDING BOI!!!
I was still depressed thinking about how wired I look, and I think he caught on
"Ah so your worried not about what they wanted, you are worried about the first impression you give them right.
T^T "Yea so what is that a bad thing I don't meet new people often you know!!"
"Hahaha come with me lets go get you ready for the kingdom and Roesella?"
My eyes sparkled and I cheer up. "Yea Mist?" I said happily
"Welcome to Sephora" he said smiling

AN: sooooo what do you think Mist is Hiding?!?! And what did you think of the new chapter ?!? Boring interesting please let me know <3 love you all bye!!

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