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Okay a lot of people wan't to know more about harmony so after a lot of thinking. I came to the conclusion that a storry about harmony would be awesome.

So my plan is:
To take down the prolouge of this book.  And change it in lira. But the prolouge will become a schene in a anthor book. And that will be called Tale of Harmony. 

Tale of Harmony will be a book about Harmony and how she became dragon nimf or better known  as the first dragon eyes. 

You don't have to read Tale of Harmony to inderstand this book. And you don't have to read  dragon eyes to understand Tale of Harmony.

And i know there are a lot of grammer erors that is because i typed this at my mobile. Wich doesn't have gramer control.

So i apoligize for the erors.

I hope you will enjoy dragon eyes and Tale of Harmony.

Greetz Shade Storm

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