Nissie Dragon Girl

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Nissia pov
I'm walking down the hall looking for my class. I walk into the gym. "Ms. Fire why are you late?" I start trembling with fear. The teacher starts to laugh. "Oh darling welcome to Tenivations high. Where there is no rules." I take a breath. I see a girl leaning against the wall. "Your partner is Luna." She points to the girl. I walk over to herk. "So my name is Nissa and I'm part dragon and part fairy." She looked at me with her blue eyes. "Dragons are dominate so we can try to get along I'm a witch." She's up front yet beautiful and I was mesmerized by that "You are beautiful." I let slip out and she smiled at me. "Thank you now I have to introduce you to someone." She said in a sweet voice so I followed her. She stood in front of a boy who was gorgeous in any way a man could be. "Nissa this is my twin brother Lyc." I extended my hand out to shake his but he kissed my hand. "Nice to meet you Nissa. Luna you have to get to the actual task." He said to her and she smirked and used magic to make some type of crystal and threw it at the target. It was a bullseye Damn she was perfect. "You're a dragon use your fire Nis." She said nudging my shoulder. I closed my eyes and breathed out a small flame. "Not like that confidence is good for you cause you are pretty and see nice but think about the last person who called you a freak the last boy who broke your heart." Just her saying that made me think of Jason cheating and I got mad I blew out a storm of fire leaving half the grounds destroyed. "I'm sorry." I said to the teacher who clapped. "That is how you channel anger and turn it into energy. Good job Ms. Fire and Luna." I looked at Luna and we high fived. "Are you good or evil?" She asked and thought about it. I'm definitely not good but I'm not evil towards every one. "In Between." I said as we sat at the bleachers. "So where do you come from?" I asked. "I don't know. My mom doesn't know too much about the origin of our magic but She has told us that confidence and power are key." She said making a ball of what it looks like electricity. "Why are you doing that?" I asked nervously. "Boredom What does it scare you?" I wanted to be honest and say yes but she didn't seem like the person you tell that you fear to. "Yeah you are. I can sense fear. But I didn't have to with you it was written all over your face. Here I'll stop." She makes it stop. "Sorry my mom always said honesty and integrity build you." "She is right and I think we are gonna get along great especially since it looks like my brother likes you." "I'm getting over a relationship so not really looking for one but he seems awesome." "He is and I don't think he like you that way either but he wants to get to know you." "How do you know that I mean he is all the way over there." I pointed to the other side of the field. "Telepathy you can't do that?" "No I don't know anyone who can." She looked at me intrigued. "What does that mean?" She said with a confused face. "I have not heard of anyone using telepathy to communicate and there's no book on it so it's weird." I said straightforwardly hoping she wouldn't be mad. "Must be a twin thing then" she said simply. I see Luna start to blush. Huh. The most evil person I've met so far BLUSH!! I follow her glaze. A really cute VAMPIRE! Ok witches and vampires hate one another. Scratch that despise. He walks up to Luna. "Hey I never got your name. I'm Damon." She rolls her eyes. "Luna." I have a feeling they like each other but their interactions can start a war. A very bloody war. "Well Luna you wanna hang out sometime." He said. We are lucky we have an inside field or he'd be burning from the sun. "Excuse but I don't think that's wise." Said Lyc coming out of nowhere. "Just because we go to school together doesn't mean we aren't rivals." Lycus starts to make the same ball of electricity that Lun did. Oh crap. "Lyc it's ok he was just leaving." I see anger in Lycus eyes. Oh crap not a war in the middle of gym. "Fine." With that Damon walks off. What's the problem with them. I gots my own problems though with those damn werewolves they killed my aunt and I want revenge.

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