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My name is Emely Watson, a doctor. I was born in London in 1889. I got my deegre at medice at S.A university and moved to Liverpool to help the illness soldiers that came from war. I had always been my dream and feel proud of myself for saving dozens of lives.

I am Merely Holmes's closest friend and the only person allowed to write about the wonderful and unforgetable adventures she and I had been breaking through before she decided to take the rest of her years off. Let me tell you that she is still alive, living in a little house in Walley, where she dedicates the most of her time studying the plants that sorround her little place.

We met the first day she moved to Baker Street to share a flat with me, in London west. She was very kind since the first day and we got on well instantly. Her customs were good as her mannors, but certaenly I considered her a bit odd. She passed most of the day in her bedroom combing chemical products. I could notice it by the smell. I guessed she liked chemistry. Some days she recieved visitors and in silence asked them them pass in silence to her room.

Sometimes she played the violin. A wonderful melody invaded my ears when she played it. She was a very given person, thought.

One they while we were sitting on the sofas drinking cups of coffe and talking about the advances of technology I asked her about her career. I have to confess that I felt awkward fro doing tahat type of question to someone I bearly knew, but I just coul not contain my curosity. He were going to ask that question one day, anyway.

She arched an eyebrow when she heard to my Question. She did not replied instantly, but after few minutes of uncomfortable atmosphere she answered.

"I am a detective consultor." She said.

"Sorry, on what does your career depend?" I asked surprised.

"When a detective doesn't have a clue in how to solve a criminal case, comes to me and asks for advices. I can even solve cases without moving from my sofa, olny using my capacity of analisys and deduction."

"That... that is new for, me. I haven't heard of that career before."

"Indeed, you haven't. I am the only one in all Europe, in the whole world I could say." Then she took her cup and drank a bit. "I invented my career."

"That is wonderful."

We had made good friends and that is why she was always so sincere with me. Since that day she included me in all her adventures.

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