Three mortal cards-Part 5

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Holmes arrived home at 5. Her coat was dirty and it smelled liked paper. Very old paper. I told her about my conversation with miss Luciana. I was glad there were sometimes she opened her eyes widely showing her suprisement. A hand on her biolin and the other holding some papers.

"And that is all Holmes. What do you think about my useful investigation and information." I said rosing to my feet to drink some tea.

"I do think that woman is good at hidding a certain truth, Watson, and that you actually lost the most importation question you should have asked." Her hand on my shoulder and a risen eyebrow told me that I have done what I could.

"A least there was information..."

"I have to say, my dear friend, that you cleared my suspicions." She chuckled taking the ring she had shown me the day before out of her pocket. "That young lady knew the victim and had an affér with him."

"About the question, Holmes..."

"Oh, yes. You should have asked her if she had ever had a boyfriend."


"Well, in these circumstances it is vital. She told you she hated that man, but that she tried to support him because of the money he gave her in exchange, not beacuse she loved her It is possible that this woman had a boyfriend in the past knowing her beauty. Like... a lover."

"I see." I said letting my body fall on the sofa. "It was all a waste."

"No, my dear friend." She smiled gently.

"Then do you know? Does she have or had a boyfriend?"

"Let us discover if I am right."

Holmes went to the dining room and opened an book on the table. It was odd. Many drawing were imprented and little letters were below them. She looked at me a smiled. There was definitely the prove of something.

"This" she said showing me the other drawings she had been so obsessed about. "is a way of messaging. These drawings have hidden messages. From them I worked out some misteries. Give me the first paper. Yes, that one."

Holmes followed the drawings why checking the book and finally smiled to herself.

"Here it is Watson. I knew it! Please Elley, for God's love, do not hurt Alex. I beg you. Please, please. It was all my fault, Elley. I lied him" She continued. "I am going tonight." She opened her free hand. "Give me the other one... I see I see... This woman sent this cards so she could protect Alex, her lover. The one she actually loved."

She closed the book and threw the papers on the floor after reading them concentrated. There passed an hour before she talked again. Her eyes focused on me. I was starting to feeling nervous when...

"I got it. I would better visit this Alex tomorrow."

"Holmes. We do have the ring already. We also have the cards and the miss's declaration of hateness. She also knew her lover was in danger after Mr. Elley discovered her treason. Don't you think it is possible that she is the actual criminal?"

Holmes smiled. "Do you think it is like that? We should take in account something my friend. The clues might show that everything is against her... but, there is a man in prision and someone I should interview to complete my investigation. There are sometimes that using our imagination is neccessary in order to proove the actual fact. False clues can guide us by the wrong way. I am sure there is something else. My instict is yelling at me. Anyway, I have some doubts about that woman that must have been cleared by tomorrow afternoon."

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