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Etaine's POV

"I have a show in like an hour just let us go" Luke told the cop.

"Luke come sit down, the boys will be here soon" I told him.

We were currently sitting in a jail cell waiting to be bailed out. Luke sat down on the bench next to me.

"My wrist hurt so fucking bad" I told him.

"Same" he complained

"Sargent we need Luke brooks and Etaine Collins they have release on bail" someone told the Sargent.

"Yes" we said as the guy came and got us taking us to Beau.

"What's up cunts" he smiled wrapping his arms over our shoulders "bye" he waved at the cop.

"Luke your going to be late for show hurry the fuck up" we got into an Uber and drove to where the tour bus was parked. We got out and ran into the hotel through the back door. Luke ran on stage alongside his brothers.

"I'm so happy your okay" I heard a deep voice behind me. Jack.

"Fuck you" I told him walking away.

"When does this tour end ?" I asked him

"Three weeks" he smiled

"Ughhh" I groaned.

I looked behind Jack and saw Maggie. I ran to her and started to converse.

Wooh okay so I'm starting this story again. Should I publish story of us again aswell or nah. Anyway I'm really excited to be writing this for you again. Love y'all😘
           - Talia 💕

Bad BitchesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora